In today’s lesson, the children of Israel are on the brink of entering the Promised Land, all while on the cusp of forfeiting the long-awaited moment because of their rebellion against God.
Monthly Archives: October 2021
In today’s lesson we learn 10 of the 12 spies discouraged the people by suggesting that they could not inherit the land promised by God. The children of Israel rebelled against God, and as a result, He decreed that they wander in the desert for 40 years, with their children entering the promise land instead of them.
After today’s live stream at 10am, meet us for in person worship at Bayview Opera House. Click to learn more!
In today's lesson it begins with Moses and the seventy appointed elders whom God chose to assist Moses and bear the burden of the people.
As the Israelites traveled deeper into the wilderness, they began to focus on what they lacked rather than God’s goodness and His provision.
Scripture By Janice Hall Scripture Lesson Text…John 18:15-27Related Scriptures: Matthew 26: 59-75; Mark 14: 55-72; Luke 22:55-71 This week’s lesson continues in John 18:15-27, with Peter and John following Jesus to the house of the high priest. We also note in this passage, Peter’s denial of being Jesus’ disciple three […]