God-Honoring Families


At the beginning of Ephesians 5, Paul told the Ephesian believers, to become followers (imitators) of God and walk in love (vs.1-2). Paul urged the believers to walk as children of light (vs. 8) and to walk in wisdom, understanding what the will of the Lord is (vs. 16-17). In order to walk in these ways, Paul commanded “be filled with the Spirit” (vs. 18b). In the Greek, it is the present perfect tense which indicates “a continual filling of the Spirit”. In verses 19-21, Paul describes three evidences of a Spirit-filled life; speaking to one another in psalms and spiritual songs, giving thanks always to God for everything and submitting to one another in reverential fear of God.

To submit to one another, is literally to align oneself below others in rank-to perceive ourselves as lesser in rank for the benefit of others. Christ Himself provided the greatest example of submission (Philippians 2:1-11). In our lesson, Paul gives instructions on the most important principle undergirding relationships between husbands and wives, and children and parents. Wives are to submit to their husbands illustrating the response of the church to Christ. Husbands are to love their wives selflessly for the sanctification of the wife, as an illustration of Jesus’ love for the church.

In marriage, “a man shall leave his father and his mother and be joined to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh” (vs. 21), as a portrait of the way Christ and the church are one. The promise of wellness and longevity are given to children who honor and obey their parents. Fathers are not to provoke their children to anger but bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord. The Spirit makes it possible to submit humbly to one another in the fear of the LORD! Therefore, let us ask the Father for a continual filling of His Holy Spirit!


Related Scriptures
Colossians 3: 18-21; 1 Peter 3:1-7

In Colossians 3 we have a passage very similar to the lesson text concerning the Christian home. The scriptures offer us guidance in different relationships and offer instructions for husbands, wives and children. Wives are to submit to their husbands, husbands are to love their wives and children are to obey their parents, while fathers are instructed not to provoke their children. The text encourages a household of harmony and unity while focusing attention on love, obedience and mutual respect. God places much value on the dynamics of relationships with Him and with others.

1 Peter 3, also gives advice concerning the dynamics of family, while it encourages inner beauty and a gentle spirit. Wives are to be submissive, respectful, and gentle to their own husbands, even when they do not obey the word of God. They will be captivated by the life of holiness their wives display and prayerfully they will be positively influenced by it. Also In the text, husbands are encouraged to honor their wives and treat them with understanding as both being heirs together of the grace of life.


1) Submitting to other Christians demonstrates Christlike humility

Just as Christ submitted His will to the Father, we honor Christ by following His example. When we submit to God, we become more willing to obey his command to submit to others. In a marriage relationship, both husband and wife are called to submit to each other. For the wife this means willingly following her husband’s leadership as he follows Christ. For the husband it means putting aside his own interest in order to care for his wife, physically, emotionally, and spiritually. Submission is not to be feared by the wife, when a husband loves his wife in the same way that Christ loves His church.

2) Obeying parents helps children understand how they should follow God

When our faith in Christ is genuine , It will manifest itself at home in our relationships. Children and parents have a responsibility to each other. Children are to obey their parents, they have a responsibility to obey, and parents have to be responsible to teach the children obedience. The child will grow up knowing how to obey God. Parents are to raise their children on the Word of God and fathers are to raise them according to God’s discipline and instruction.