By Elder Janice Hall
Lesson Text: John 1:43-51
Related Scriptures: Genesis 28:10-15 , Luke 2:8-14 , Matthew 3:16-17…..
In the lesson text, we have here the call of Philip and Nathanael and we see Philip was called immediately, by Christ Himself. Philip went out purposely to tell Nathanael about Christ, but he responded with much skepticism. Philip simply invited Nathanael “ to come” meet Jesus for his own satisfaction. Nathanael was convinced of Jesus’ identity by His knowledge of the condition of his heart and character. But, Jesus reminded him there would be greater.
In these section of scriptures we see the witnesses testifying to the true identity of Jesus. There was John the Baptist that testified that Jesus is eternal, and the Lamb of God. Then there was Andrew who testified that Jesus is the Messiah, the Christ. The disciple Philip revealed that Jesus is the One prophesied in the Old Testament. Finally we see that Nathanael exclaimed that Jesus is the Son of God and the King of Israel.
In the related scripture, Genesis 28:10-15, is the portion of scripture when Jacob had traveled towards Haran and had the dream of a ladder that had access to heaven. Jacob had heard of the God of Abraham and the God of Isaac and was now having a personal life changing encounter with the same God. In Luke 2:8-14, is the familiar passage of the angelic announcement that came to the shepherds in the midst of the dark night coupled with the shining presence of the hosts of angels, praising God for the birth of the Savior. In Matthew 3:16-17 shows it was important to publicly demonstrate that Jesus’ baptism was a display of identifying with sinners, while moved by His love and His righteous identity.
By Prophetess Lecha Price
In our lesson today, we see the call of Jesus’ first disciples, Philip and Nathanael. I must first say it’s a privilege to be called and chosen as a disciple of Jesus, and as believers today we are able to share in that privilege.
When the call came to Philip to follow Jesus, he simply obeyed and followed. Philip saw in Jesus the hope and promise the world had been waiting for, the coming Messiah. After his divine encounter with the Master, he immediately found Nathanael and told him about Jesus. Nathanael doubted Philip’s invitation initially, but Philip insisted he come and see Jesus for himself. When Nathanael saw Jesus, He confirmed Himself to the doubting disciple by sharing detailed knowledge and evidence His deified identity to the Nathanael.
These two disciples’ model for us today key elements we must take to heart. They had an anticipation of the hope of the Messiah’s coming, and when they saw Him, they recognized Him. When the call comes to follow Jesus, we must (1) answer with a ready heart to obey and follow, (2) have a willingness to go and tell others so that they may also follow. Jesus is the hope that the world has been waiting for, and as His dutiful disciples we have an awesome responsibility to share our faith and hope with as many that will receive.
Practical Application
By Brother Doug Smith
In today’s lesson we can see that Jesus calls Philip and Nathanael. When Nathanael heard that the Messiah was from Nazareth, he was surprised. Philip responded,”come and see”and fortunately, he went to meet Jesus and became a disciple. If he had acted on his own prejudice without investigating further, he would have missed the Messiah! We must not allow people’s thoughts about Christ cause them to miss His power and love, so we continue to extend the invitation.
It is He who has saved us and chose us for his holy work, not because we deserve it but because that was His plan. Jesus has always known us, and He knows all about us. A honest person will feel comfortable with the thought that Jesus knows him through and through, whereas others will not feel the same. Today as disciples of Jesus Christ we should be eager to follow and also to invite others to”come and see”.(John 6:37 ) All that the Father giveth me shall come to me; and him that cometh to me I will in no wise cast out”.