Jesus Heals Two Demoniacs


By Pam Jones

Lesson Text: Matthew 8:23-34
Related Scriptures: Mark 5:1-20; Luke 8:26-39

In Matthew 8:23-34 we find that upon Jesus and the disciples arriving in the country of the Gergesenes, Jesus was approached by two individuals who were possessed with devils. These two people basically controlled that area in the sense that they were so fierce that no one passed by that way, except Jesus and the disciples! There is no one and no thing that Jesus is afraid of – for He conquers all!

Mark 5:1-20 shows us that Jesus speaks to the devil and commands it to “Come out of the man, unclean spirit.”  This spirit’s name was Legion, and he could not be bound with shackles or chains, for he pulled the chains apart and broke the shackles into pieces.

Within the related scriptures of Luke 8:26-39, we are enlightened to the fact that the demon acknowledges Jesus as God’s son, who is also powerful. In verse 28 we read,”When he saw Jesus, he cried out, fell down before Him, and with a loud voice said, “What have I to do with You, Jesus, Son of the Most High God? I beg You, do not torment me!” We also see that in spite of the good that Jesus did in delivering the man from the demons, the people in that region wanted Jesus to leave.


By Doug Smith

This “ship”would have been a fishing boat, because many of Jesus’ disciples were fishermen. This boat was large enough to hold Jesus and his twelve disciples and was powered by both oars and sails. The Sea of Galilee  is an unusual body of water, which is relatively small, but it is 150 ft deep and the shoreline is 680 ft below sea level. Sudden storms can appear over the surrounding mountains with little warning. Although the disciples have witnessed many miracles, they panicked in this storm.

As experienced sailors, they knew it’s danger, but what they did not know was that Christ could control the forces of nature. The country of Gergesenes is located southeast of the Sea of Galilee. These ten cities with independent governments were largely inhabited by Gentiles, which explains the herd of pigs. The Jews did not raise pigs because they were considered unclean and thus unfit to eat. Devils were fallen angels who joined Satan in his rebellion against God and are now evil spirits under Satan’s control.

Whenever they are confronted by Jesus, they lose their power because these devils recognize Jesus as the Son of God. When the devils ask if Jesus had come to torment them, they showed they knew their ultimate fate. The people ask Jesus to leave because, unlike their own pagan gods, Jesus could not be contained, controlled, or appeased. They perhaps feared Jesus’ supernatural power, a power that they never before witnessed. We are able to embrace this lesson and welcome Christ’s authority over our lives and humbly bow before Him.

Practical Application

By Brittenne Boykin

I have always marveled at the fact that Jesus in His perfect time always made time. Our text today is one that recounts a familiar story. The disciples are on the ship with Jesus and a great storm arises (Vs.24). The disciples were afraid and immediately feared for their lives (Vs.25). Jesus through it all remained asleep.

We find ourselves not unlike the disciples at times. Storms come upon us and we are immediately afraid, and so caught up in the moment that we forget that Jesus has all power and is always near. I love that Christ is not afraid of the storms in our lives. Christ with both power and authority gets up and rebukes the very winds and the sea, (Vs.26), so much so that the disciples marveled! (Vs.27). As if this wasn’t a sight to see in itself, Jesus then heads to the country of Gergesenes and is met by two demon possessed men coming out of the tombs.(Vs.28).

The demons realized who Jesus was and even asked him not to torment them (Vs.29). Jesus cast the evil spirits out of the men and into nearby swine.(Vs.32) We are reminded that Jesus cares for us when we are afraid and He calls us to deeper faith in Him. He doesn’t turn away from the parts of us that need deliverance. Let us rest in the freedom from fear that He brings, the relief from torment and pain and the blessed assurance that He is with us.

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