By Brother Doug Smith
In today’s lesson we see that Aaron’s sons were careless about following the laws of sacrifices, and in response, God destroyed them with a blast of fire. To perform the sacrifices was an act of obedience and to do them correctly showed respect for God.
1 Samuel 2:12-17, tells us that Eli’s sons took advantage of their position of trust and wanted to satisfy their lust for power. Their contempt and arrogance toward the people and the worship of God endangered the Integrity of the whole priesthood. Joshua 7:1-20 relates how Achan’s sin and disobedience kindled the anger of the Lord against the children of Israel. Thirty six innocent men died because of Achan’s sin. Achan stole that which was devoted to destruction, and brought destruction on others.
Acts 5:1-11, shows us the judgement of Ananias and Sapphira . They gave into Satan’s influences and lied to God( Holy Spirit). It was the Holy Spirit who dwelled in the Apostles, giving them their power and authority. Psalms 2:10-12 urges the kings and rulers of the earth to be wise to receive instruction and serve the Lord with reverence. The psalm closes with the declaration that all who take refuge in the Lord’s anointed king are blessed.
By Minister Charlene Armstrong Brown
Throughout the bible it is mentioned multiple times of God’s holiness. The holiness of God is said to be His defining characteristic, His power and His goodness. God is holy and He commands us to treat Him as so. In today’s lesson we see what happens when we don’t take seriously the commandment to revere God as holy and to ignore the instructions of a holy God. Too often we get caught up in wanting to do things our way but God’s ways are higher than our ways.
As mentioned last week we covered the ordination of Aaron and his sons as priests. The passing of the torch from Moses to Aaron would establish the Aaronic priesthood under the Mosaic covenant as mentioned in the lesson. Moses, under the commandment of God, gave Aaron directions on how to offer the different types of offerings required by God. After Aaron completed the sacrifices God sent fire and consumed the burnt offering which was a sign of His approval. This was a very important signal to the priest and the people.
Aaron’s sons Nadab and Abihu were consecrated priests, who were instructed to assist their father and to serve at the altar of incense. They had an assignment, and yet they chose to put incense in their censors and offer strange (unauthorized) fire unto God. Because of their disobedience and not following God’s instructions they did what God commanded them not to do. “You shall not offer strange incense on it, or burnt offering, or a grain offering, nor shall you pour a drink offering on it.”(Exodus30:9 ), thus they were consumed by the fire of God for doing so. Here we see the results of disobedience to God and not reverencing His holiness.
Practical Application
By Sister Brittenne Boykin
I once heard it said “If someone asks for chocolate cake do not give them vanilla” We see in today’s text a valuable lesson in what not to do. Nadab and Abihu were the sons of Aaron, the high priest. Aaron would be successor to Moses and his sons who were priests as well. They occupied a sacred office which was to live a life completely devoted to God.
Moses and Aaron presented an acceptable sacrifice to the Lord which he set his approval on by consuming the sacrifice. God in His holiness has a prescribed intentional way of serving Him. Aaron’s sons decided within themselves to offer a sacrifice, one that was not desired or commanded by God (Leviticus 10:1) In one fell swoop God’s judgement was swift and clear! God sent out fire and devoured them. (Leviticus 10:3)
God is Holy and his love language is obedience. I can only imagine the fear and hurt that came over Aaron and in the next breath God commands Aaron not to mourn (Leviticus 10: 6-7). In what seems like a harsh command God assured that Aaron in his mourning before the congregation would not undermine his authority as sovereign. This week’s lesson reminds us that we must worship and serve God in the manner which He desires. We are reminded that even when serving gets hard and we may see even leaders error and fall, God calls us to remain faithful in what He has called us to do.
One thought on “The Death of Nadab and Abihu”
Thank you for sharing the truth of the lesson. Through my Christian journey, I’ve come to understand about being obedient to what God has called me to do. When I’m moving according to His will, then peace covers me. When I’m not, there is no peace nor rest. So instead of being disobedient because of the challenge, I’ve learned to bring it before Him. He then guides me through it. He allows me to take a step at a time as He holds my hand knowing I’m uncomfortable. It is for me to keep my eyes fixed on Him and hear His voice, so He can move me forward in accomplishing His purpose in blessing another and He gets His glory. I then can graduate to another level and not allow my insecurity to become a stumbling block unto myself. Amen!