From Superintendent Janice Hall: We see in our final lesson of this quarter, that David is finally crowned the King of Israel. His coronation is marked as a new beginning for Israel that led to great prosperity and blessings.
Monthly Archives: August 2020
7 posts
Click here for the exposition from today's lesson from Brother Doug, Sister Deborah, and Sister Raufu.
If we’ve learned anything this year, it’s that we must do more than go to church. We’ve got to be the church! When Pastor started the sermon series “Living Through Famine” who would have thought fires would devastate California, with one burning an area larger than Rhode Island? Pastor Hillman, […]
Tonight’s Word & Worship Wednesday came from Ephesians 5:1-8. Pastor Hillman expounded on the word of God with a dymanic teaching. And just in case you missed it, you can watch the replay below.
"Saul provides an example of how fear and impatience can cause us to be completely out of God's will with dire consequences." Sis. Brittenne Boykin