In our lesson text, we see Jesus gave Paul a warning explaining the people of Jerusalem would be unreceptive to his testimony.
Yearly Archives: 2021
Today’s powerful lesson comes from Acts 4:6-21 - Peter and John Preach with Boldness. Check out the exposition here!
Here’s another addition to our Sunday School blog from our gifted teachers! Click to read today’s lesson.
Today for the believer, ridicule and social pressure may be common, but so far political coercion is very rare. We may wonder how we would react if our government demanded that we either renounce our faith or die. We hope we would remain faithful, but we cannot know the outcome until we are tested.
Scripture By Elder Janice Hall Lesson Text: Jeremiah 26:1, 4-15Related Scriptures: Jeremiah 26:16-24; 1:4-19; Acts 3:11-4-22; 5:12-26; Matthew 23:33 We see in our lesson text today that Jeremiah is in danger of death, because of the words he was commanded to speak. He was receiving opposition from the priests, prophets […]
The book of Esther reveals God as a protector and deliverer of those who belong to Him. Esther was willing to be used by God and because of it God chose her to save His people.
In today's lesson, Sanballat and Tobiah were furious about the rebuilding of the wall and attempted to discourage the workers through their criticism. Nehemiah’s reliance and response was to take it to God in prayer and depend on Him to fight this battle.
Today’s lesson: Abijah Challenges King Jeroboam, Lesson Text: II Chronicles 13:3-18 with the following Related Scriptures: I Kings 15:1-2, 6-8; Numbers 10:8-10; Psalm 22:1-5.