Instead of beginning the letter with a thanksgiving which he does in other letters, Paul begins with a blessing that calls on God. Sunday School Uncategorized God’s Comfort in Trouble
Our lesson this week emphasizes the true gospel of a resurrected Christ in all His glory. Sunday School Uncategorized Witnesses to Christ’s Resurrection
Sincerely reflecting on the reason for communion will put you into a mindset of gratitude and thanksgiving for the new life you have. Sunday School Uncategorized Thoughts on the Lord’s Supper
Shekinah wants to hear from you as we discern what we are passionate about as a people and what we do well as a ministry. Annnouncements Uncategorized Connect Survey
As a spiritually mature believer it is highly expected of one to choose the love for a fellow believer, especially new converts, over expressing the liberty and freedom we have in Christ Jesus. Sunday School Uncategorized Concern for a Weaker Brother