Overview by Raufu Spagnoletta “The Crucifixion of Jesus is the cornerstone of the Christian faith. All of scripture leads up to this pinnacle moment in the history of humanity. Jesus Christ, the Son of God gave His life in order to defeat the deadly consequences of sin… once and for […]
Monthly Archives: March 2024
As the buds of spring bloom and the earth awakens from its wintry slumber, we, too, prepare to celebrate the ultimate victory of life over death. Resurrection Sunday, also known as Easter, stands as the cornerstone of our faith—a day of jubilation and profound significance for Christians worldwide. At the […]
Overview by Doug Smith Lesson text:John 11:38-44 In today’s lesson , John gives us a closer look at the life of Jesus. The scriptures shows us how Jesus has power over life and death as well as power to forgive sins. This is because He is the creator of life. […]
Overview by Olivia Saunders Luke 8:40-56 There was a man named Jairus who had a problem that wasn’t easy to solve. Jairus was a synagogue ruler and his title, traditions or rituals could not reverse the matter at hand. When he approached Jesus, he fell at His feet and begged […]
Overview by Raufu Spagnoletta Subject: Overview: Jesus’ Claim to Deity – John 8:31-38; 48-56; 58-59 To those Jews which believed on Him, Jesus identified the mark of a true disciple as one who continues to faithfully abide in His Word. Through this abiding relationship, Jesus promised, you will know the truth […]
OVERVIEW BY CHARLENE BROWN Scripture Lesson Text : Philemon 1: 4-21> > Philemon 1:4-21 was written by the Apostle Paul to his dear friend Philemon, a Christian who used his home as a gathering place for the saints in Colosse. Paul expressed his heartfelt appreciation and gratitude for Philemon’s faith and […]