Overview by Brittenne Boykin Lesson Text: Genesis 2:18-25 In this week’s lesson we see God having created man and determining that it was not good for him to be alone (Vs.18). The Lord God in all His creative majesty began to form out of the ground every beast of the […]
Monthly Archives: April 2024
Today is the day! Are you ready for a wonderful day of worship and fellowship? We pray you’ll be present at a special joint service and baptisms with our partners at New Providence Baptist Church. Remember, our service location and time has moved for this special day of worship. Meet […]
Overview by Raufu Spagnoletta Scripture Lesson Text: Matthew 14:22-36 Jesus did not merely claim to be the Son of God but confirmed His deity through His power over death, miraculous works and His exaltation into heaven. “If I do not the works of My Father, believe Me not. But if […]
Overview by Olivia Saunders Lesson Text: Luke 6: 1-11 We have been able to witness Jesus in a monumental moment that we can take heed to even today. There were those who came to criticize Him and found their arguments were in vain. This story begins with the disciples breaking off […]
Overview by Janice Hall Scripture: Mark 9:14-29 As Jesus, Peter, James and John return to the rest of the disciples, they come face to face with the reality of life in a fallen world. We see an account of a demon possessed boy, a desperate father and imperfect disciples. The […]