A Faithful Servant in the Church


By Janice Hall

Scripture Lesson Text: Acts 9: 36-43
A few verses prior to our text today, we see God working miracles through the Apostle Peter. Peter went through all parts of the country to do ministry. Peter found a certain man in need of healing. God wanted to miraculously heal him, and Peter clearly identified who healed him…Jesus the Christ.! The miraculous healing of Aeneas made people turn to the Lord.

Today’s text begins with a certain disciple, Tabitha( also known as Dorcas). Peter was not in Joppa when Tabitha died. Tabitha had selflessly served God in her church. The Christians in Joppa heard that God was using Peter to do the miraculous, and asked for him to come. At this point, Peter simply followed as Jesus had done, he knelt and prayed and called Tabitha to arise.

The event of Peter raising Tabitha from the dead, greatly advanced the gospel.
“ And it was known throughout all Joppa; and many believed in the Lord”(vs.42)
“ God’s plan continues to focus on spreading the good news of salvation through us.”

Related Scriptures

By Olivia Saunders

Related Scriptures: 2 Kings 4: 18-37; Matthew 9:18-19, 23-26; 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18

In this lesson we learn about a devout disciple that was sick and died, and described by the scriptures as being full of good works and always putting herself in a position to help others. In 2 Kings 4:18-37, there was a wealthy woman who had provided a room and meals for the Prophet Elisha and his assistant. He prophesied that she would have a child and she did. Sometime after, the son died and Elisha was called by her to come to her house. He went in the room and prayed for him and his life was restored.

In Matthew 9:18-26, there was a man that came to Jesus and told him, that his daughter died and wanted Jesus to come lay His hands on her and revive her. When Jesus arrived, He went in the room, put everyone out and restored her life. This is also the chapter with the story of the woman with an issue of blood, who is healed by her faith and her touch of Jesus.

In 1Thessalonians 4:13-18, Paul reassures us that when we died in Christ that we will be raised back to life with Him. Hope is being created, so when that time comes that when believers and our love ones transition that we don’t grieve as unbelievers do because we know that when Jesus returns, we will rise again. As we look on all these scriptures as they relate to the lesson, we see that we have a faithful reward in being a servant of Christ. Paul, Elisha, and Jesus used the power of prayer, as we can use also in our everyday lives. How blessed and favored we are by God that in life or death, we will never be forgotten and we will live again.

Practical Points

By Doug SMith

a) Active faith leaves a lasting impression on those we encounter .
As Believers, we put our faith in action by helping the less fortunate. We are attentive to the needs of others. We continue to share the Gospel message with the unbelievers. We continue to show kindness, generosity, care and concern for others, which will always leave a lasting Impression.

b) God’s people are called to make His truth known to all who will hear.

We should always look for opportunities as believers, to share the Gospel message. We prepare ourselves to be willing to express to others what we believe. We share our knowledge of God’s word and why we believe the word. It is a privilege to be used by God, to share the Good News with all who will hear and listen. We understand the blessing to serve as faithful disciples with the abilities God has given us.

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