Related Scriptures: Acts 3: 17 – 4:22; Luke 5: 17-26

This week’s lesson provides us with the story of the lame man healed, as it was through the power of Christ Jesus and the faith of Peter. This gift was offered in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth (Acts 3:6) The healing was instantaneous and complete.

In Acts 3:17 – 4:22, Peter continues explaining the sufferings of Jesus and proceeds to call them to repentance. Peter also gives warning of the dangers of rejecting Jesus. Next, we see Peter and John before the Sanhedrin court, as they were being questioned about the power or name in which they did the miracles. Peter being filled with the Holy Spirit said they did all the miracles in the name of Jesus Christ, who they had crucified and whom God raised from the dead. They were later warned not to further spread the name of Jesus, then they were released.

Luke 5: 17-26 shows that faith and belief in God to heal us and forgive us of our sins is through His mercy and grace. This passage is about how Jesus puts a man’s life back together. It is about the faith of friends who help bring a friend from the captivity of sin to the freedom of forgiveness. The four men demonstrate a faith that is willing to do whatever is necessary to get their friend before Jesus.!!

In Acts chapter 3, we see the first public miracle of healing, Apostle Peter and John. They were on their way to temple at the ninth hour(3:00p:m), for prayer. A man who was lame from birth was sitting at the gate called” Beautiful “. Because of his disability, the man had to be carried daily to the specific area to beg for alms. Peter and John stopped, and looked upon this man and said, “ Look on Us”.

Peter took hold of the man and raised him up. The man was immediately healed and began to leap, walk and praising God when entering the temple. A great crowd gathered around Peter and John, because they were astonished and amazed at what happened. Peter took no credit for the miracle, because he knew it was through the power of Christ ( the true Source)! This was a miraculous event that allowed for a powerful testimony to the name of Jesus Christ.

Peter made it clear that he spoke to them about the God of Israel, the God of Abraham,Isaac and Jacob. This portion of scripture teaches us that the acts we do by the power of God are not done to bring glory to ourselves, but to God, and to bring people to know Jesus Christ as their Lord and Saviour.

Our text explores Luke’s account of Peter and John healing a man who was lame from birth. In addition to the crippled man in our lesson, the gospel writers tell of certain individuals, bound by Satan for years, who did not seek Jesus to be healed, yet Jesus in His merciful kindness brought healing to them (John 5:5-9); Luke 13 :11-13). Jesus is the same, yesterday, today and forever!

Obedience of the man, the faith of Peter and the power of Jesus worked together to transform a crippled beggar into a leaping, praising worshipper of GOD! What an amazing testimony to the goodness of God.

Through Peter we see how a mature disciple gives God the glory due His Name; seizes the opportunity to witness about the Son of God; and declares that the power to heal comes only through faith in the Name of Jesus.

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