Our Vision

Our vision points to where we’re going while we’re on the mission of being the most loving and faithful church that connects San Francisco back to the heart of Christ.

In order to achieve our mission we endeavor:

To be a church that exemplifies the love of Christ
To build a strong congregation of faith filled believers
To transform our families and communities through excellent service
To teach biblical principles at the highest level
To develop active and influential servants of the community
To present the gospel to the lost
To provide tailored solutions to the social needs of our city

We are going to a place of holy living where we worship without reservation and we give Christ the authority to operate freely in us and through us. We will get there through humility and an increased desire to depend upon God. We will get there as he reconstructs our patterns of behavior so that we become living epistles and walking testaments to His grace and glory. We will get there by a growing faith in God where he reveals deeper expressions of Himself to us forever satisfying our deepest desire for Him.