August 30 – David King Over All Israel

Scriptures. Sis Brittenne Boykin

David King over All Israel
II Samuel 5:1-10

This week’s set of scriptures finds King David in Hebron. Hebron serves as the sight of many battles and events for the Jewish Kings. David inquired of God previously if he should go to Hebron. (II Samuel 2:1) God responded with a yes and David was on his way. Many of David’s life events played out right in Hebron.

In our text, all the tribes of Israel approached David, make a treaty with him and anointed him king. It was from Hebron that David would go on to battle the Jebusites in Jerusalem. God was so with David that he captured the stronghold of Zion (vs.7) so much so that it became known as the City of David. In the final verse of the text it is noted that David went on and became great and the Lord of Host was with him. What an amazing comfort that must have been to one of the greatest warriors in God’s story to know that the Lord of Host, the ultimate Commander and Chief was with him.

Related Scriptures-
IISamuel 2-4; I Chronicle 11:1-19; Ezekiel 34:20-24; 37:24-28

The related scriptures provide us with insight and background on David’s journey beginning with his tumultuous relationship with Saul to the ongoing battles with the house of Saul. I Chronicles 11:1-19 gives us a glimpse into the battle that would capture the stronghold of Jerusalem. We see David’s valor and his respect for his men of valor. In Ezekiel 34:20-24 God promises to be Israel’s God and declares David a prince among them. In Ezekiel 37:24-28, God confirms again that David will be king and under him the people will follow God’s laws and keep His decrees

Synopsis. Sis Pam Jones

1 Sam 16:7 says “…for the Lord seeth not as man seeth; for man looketh on the outward appearance, but the Lord looketh on the heart.” This shows us that God looks inside the heart and not at the areas that impresses man. With man he looks at the outward beauty and physical makeup of a person. But, beauty is only skin-deep and it tells nothing about what is going on in the heart. A tender heart is what God is looking for to tend His sheep.

The Lord sought someone who would not just choose the healthy, beautiful, well-kept sheep, but someone who would care for them all, even those that are diseased, puny, and scarred. The representatives (elders) of Israel who sought out David to become the king over Israel, apparently saw the outward actions of his heart that God saw all along. It takes a special type of person to tend God’s sheep, and he was the one. The author states some characteristics of a shepherd that David possessed such as; gentleness, watchfulness, concern, and how to lead, and feed his flock.

David was anointed and promoted 3 times in his service to the Lord which included ,the original anointing/call to service, king over Judah, and finally as king over all of Israel. More than 20 years before David took the helm as king over the Israelite kingdom, God saw in him a man who would serve Him with his whole heart. When we serve God completely, we give Him our heart, and in return He allows us to learn what’s on His heart, which is His flock of sheep. Both, David and Jesus started their ministries at the age of 30, and tended to the heart of God, being the dutiful shepherds and rescuing all of the Master’s sheep.

Practical Application. Supt Janice Hall

We see in our final lesson of this quarter, that David is finally crowned the King of Israel. His coronation is marked as a new beginning for Israel that led to great prosperity and blessings. Yes, David had waited at least some fifteen years in preparation for the throne of Israel. God uses great preparation when the task is great! When we put our hope in Christ, then we can wait with confidence. (Psalms 130:5,6)

The word ‘wait’ in the Bible carries the idea of confident, expectation and hope. God could give us anything we desire immediately, but many times He wants us to see the importance of the journey, while we are fixed on the destination. When we lay our requests before Him, it is by faith that we watch and wait in anticipation of God’s wonderous work in us and others. Waiting strategically brings about good fruit, patience, perseverance and endurance and draws us closer to Christ. Choosing to wait and trusting God we honor Him, and others are encouraged as well.

The word of God has taught us that endurance, strength, and courage will be found in Christ and not ourselves, (Ephesians 3:20) We thank God for who He is and all He has done for us. God always has perfected the plan and has established the time for a glorious outcome. By God’s grace, we can choose to wait as He has intended. We can let God be God and continue to hope in His Greatness!

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