Today's lesson takes place on the Mount of Olives. The setting is a private conversation between Jesus and His disciples concerning the signs of the times and the end of the age.
It's time for our joint worship service with New Providence Baptist Church and Rev. Michael Gilmore.
Today's Lesson Text is one of great importance, as it’s focus and context is based on building God's kingdom.
Matthew 13 explains that Jesus now teaches the crowds in parables, partly to fulfill a prophetic statement found in Psalms 78. (Matthew 13:34-35). These teachings are in context of Israel’s response to Jesus’ ministry.
In this week's lesson we find Jesus sending out his disciples to do the work that he had been preparing them to do.
We find here in our lesson one of the greatest healings of Jesus ministry, raising Lazarus from the dead.
Our lesson this week speaks of the Good Shepherd, who is Jesus and how He protects, guides, and to make sure we are safe and out of harm's way.
In this week's lesson we find Jesus teaching in the temple and get to listen in on a dialogue between Jesus and the religious leaders.