In this lesson, we are given clear evidence where the light comes from and how we are to operate in it.
Our lesson looks at our reconciliation with God through Jesus Christ, and our calling as ambassadors of Christ, to bring the message of reconciliation to the world.
During the month of December, our teachers enjoyed a much needed winter break. Here's a Christmas Lesson for your study during the Advent season.
God gives believers a desire to become more by reading scripture and listening to teaching that forms the presence of Christ within.
In this lesson that we will explore, we can all look back at how God continues to be mindful of us in our present day.
This week's lesson emphasizes the way we are to treat our neighbors, strangers and those in business and most of all those that are considered poor and disabled.
The lesson emphasizes the importance of resting before the LORD and honoring the day that He set aside.
In today's lesson we begin a new unit "Obedience in Society" and this quarter we have been studying, "Learning to Honor God."