Blessings of Forgiveness and New Life


Lesson Text: I John 1:1-2:5
Related Scriptures: Psalms 51: 1-17; 130: 1-8; Matthew 6:12-15

John opens this first letter to the churches, the same as he opened his gospel, emphasizing that Christ (the word of life) is eternal. God came into the world as a man, and that John was an eyewitness to Jesus’ life. God’s truth is presented as “light”, while false teachings are presented as darkness. Those who hold to the truth are saved from sin, those who claim to have no sin at all are self- deceived.

In Psalm 51: 1-17, we read about the plea for forgiveness and for God to show him mercy. The author which is believed to be David acknowledges his sin and transgressions. He promises near the end of the psalm to declare God’s praise if God would forgive him. David closes the psalm with a prayer for God to bless Jerusalem.

Psalms 130:1-8, shows how the psalmist earnestly cries out to God, that his iniquities are acknowledged and pleas for God’s forgiveness, trusting and hoping in the Lord’s word.

In Matthew 6:12-15, the verses are addressed to God the Father and begins by declaring His holiness, and asking for His will to be accomplished on earth.
Jesus taught his disciples the things to seek God for in prayer. Also, that we should forgive others, as God has forgiven us.


Have you ever found yourself making excuses for something that have changed in your walk with Christ? Daily, the world is constantly changing and if we allow ourselves to get drawn into keeping up with the times then danger is not far away. In this lesson, we are challenged to take inventory of our spiritual lives with God and make any adjustments necessary. We can praise God that we have the opportunity to display the light that our Lord Jesus Christ has called us to display in this dark world.

In this lesson, we are given clear evidence where the light comes from and how we are to operate in it. There has and will always be discussions about what the difference is between spiritual light and darkness. We know as believers that there is no darkness or evil thing that is associated with God at all. It is clear that there is no good thing that is done in the dark and that is why God calls us out of the darkness. When God calls us out, His light will give us the power and the strength to attain what is needed to continue to operate in the light.

Every person on this earth that has had fellowship with our Father has a daily choice to make. The beautiful thing about God is that He allows us opportunity daily to be realistic and righteous in our walk. When He gives us breath in our bodies every morning, He gives us the chance to repent, shift, and to walk in the path He has set for us. Our Father is calling us as his children to spiritually use the tools that He gave us to maintain the road to our recovery. He never promised that it would be easy, but as we read the word of God and stay in close relationship with Him, we will always be able to see His light.


Have you ever been reading something familiar and see something you hadn’t seen before? This week’s lesson did just that for me! The scriptures paint an amazing picture of the Christ of eternity being manifested among us. John talks about this amazing opportunity to fellowship with the Father and the Son (Vs3). He gives us the reason for his writing, that our joy may be full! (Vs.4). Can you imagine a joy full, filled to the brim?

He makes it plain that God is light and there is no darkness in Him, and reminds us that it is deceiving and an out and out lie if we say that we have fellowship with God and walk in darkness. You know professing Christ with our lips and doing the opposite of what Christ requires of us, is a sobering read for sure. I love God because John doesn’t leave us here. If we confess our sins he reminds us that God forgives us and we have an advocate with God, Christ Jesus! (2:1). He’s righteous and in fact we are made righteous in him!

Here comes the part I saw with fresh eyes and my heart leapt (Vs.3). We do know that we know Him if we keep His commandments and apply confession and repentance in our daily life. When we fall short we acknowledge our wrong, repent and turn back to Christ, because it gives us a fresh opportunity to just obey God! When we keep His commandments we get to know Him in an intimate and personal way, while He shows himself to us and we learn of him as we obey him. So consider this my open invitation to know Him deeper than before through walking with Him further and deeper than we have before.

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