Saved and Satisfied – Isaiah 12:1-6 The penalty of sin separates us from happiness, but God rescues us from being scattered by sin to embrace true joy. God satisfies and nurtures our flourishing from various wells, and our genuine contentment extends an invitation for others to share in God’s abundance.
Today’s set of scriptures speaks to relationship as much as rules. God in His love for us beckons us to know Him and love Him. He cautions them not to have any other gods before Him (Vs. 3) He reminds us that He is above all and is to be revered as such!
In today’s lesson we see these signs, thunder, lightning, power, and the glory signaled the presence of the Lord. The sound of the trumpet did not come from the camp, but from heaven, as the people trembled.
This week's lesson tells us of the Israelites going forth from Egypt to the wilderness in Mt. Sinai, where they pitched their tents at the bottom of the mountain as Moses went up to hear from God.
SCRITURE BY PAMELA JONES Scripture Lesson Text: Exodus 12:1-14 Related Scriptures: Joshua 5:8-12; 2 Kings 23:1-3,21-23; Ezra 6:19-22; Luke 22:7-16 Exodus 12:1-14 is the main scripture of this story to “remember” how they got over, so to speak. The Israelites were to follow the script that God has laid out […]
This week’s lesson gives us a bird’s eye view of one of the most fascinating happenings in scripture. It details the miraculous story of how God began His plan to deliver His people through Moses
SCRIPTURE, BY JANICE HALL Scripture Lesson Text: Acts 28: 1-10 Related Scriptures: Acts 27: 1-44 In the scripture lesson today, God quickly establishes Paul’s credentials with the local people, and shows the islanders that he is something special. He heals the father of the chief of the island, and many […]