SCRIPTURE, BY CHARLENE BROWN Lesson text: Acts 9:10-20 Related Scriptures: Isaiah 6:1-8; Acts 26:1-23; 10:1-16 In today’s lesson we find a disciple at Damascus by the name of Ananias, of whom was given direct instructions from God to go and find a man named Saul and lay hands on him […]
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In this week's lesson we learn of Jewish elders asking for healing from Jesus for the Roman centurion’s servant who was near death.
In this week's lesson, Paul shows us what it means to be ambassadors for Christ and stewards of the gospel.
In this week’s lesson, we see the transition from the old covenant, the ministration of death, to the glorious new covenant.
Instead of beginning the letter with a thanksgiving which he does in other letters, Paul begins with a blessing that calls on God.