Complete in Christ

Scripture Lesson Tex: Colossians 2:6-19

While again writing from prison, Paul refutes specifically, legalism, mysticism, and ideas of self denial in chapter 2 of Colossians. Paul explains that Christ is sufficient and supreme for our salvation. Paul encourages the Colossians to remember, and stand firm in their faith, and not become easily distracted with the deceptions of the world. Paul is emphatic while addressing the Colossians to not confuse traditions with supreme foundation of Christ. Paul warns the believers about confusing the means for the ends, worshipping angels, seeking a mediator, when they had direct access to God through Jesus.

In John 10:22-33, at the time of the Feast of Dedication, the Jewish leaders gathered around Jesus in the temple area and said, “If You are the Christ [Messiah] tell us plainly? Jesus answered them, “I told you already, but you do not believe me. The miracles I do in my Father’s name testify about me. But you don’t believe me because, you are not My Sheep.” Then, Jesus gives a clear statement about His divinity, “The Father and I are One.” And for this statement the Jews picked up stones to kill Jesus for blasphemy, saying, “because You a mere man, claim to be God.”

In Romans 6:1-12, as in Colossians 2:12, Paul uses baptism to illustrate the believer’s identification with the death and resurrected life of Jesus.
The idea of going under the water pictures being buried with Christ and coming up from the water as a picture of being raised from the dead into the newness of life “For when we died with Christ we were set free from the power of sin.”

In Romans 6: 11-12, Paul calls the Christian to become and experience what he is in position-dead to sin (5-7) and alive to God (8-10). “So you also should consider yourselves to be dead to the power of sin and alive to God through Christ Jesus. Do not let sin control the way you live; do not give in to sinful desires.” (NLT). As believers we are called to live by faith in the light of this spiritual truth: We are dead to sin and alive to God, the Christian’s victory over sin is to refuse to let sin reign in our lives.


**The Christian life is to be characterized by consistency, stability, and a spirit of thanksgiving. (Col 2.6-7)

Our text from Colossians provides a key to how to maintain joy as we live the abundant, joyous life that Christ died to secure for us. Paul admonished us to walk in him. Paul pushes us to literally walk in Christ’s shoes! Can you imagine a life living like Christ, receiving Christ and His Spirit enables us to be rooted in him. He encourages us to actually go out and live the glorious gospel that is Christ!

We don’t have to be shaken by everything that we go through. We can be established in our faith. The Message translation says that we can be well constructed in Him. We are sturdy in God and well thought out by Him. Everything about us, He has purposed and designed that our very lives would be built on the security of Him who created us.

**As Christians, we need not live in fear of Satan and his demons, they are defeated foes. (Vs.15)

As a child I can remember being terribly afraid of the dark so much so that I often had to leave the light on. Paul provides wonderful news to the believer in this week’s lesson. We do not have to be afraid of the devil and the evil that may lurk in the corner. Christ has already won the battle over evil! Scripture says that he has made a show of just how badly Satan was defeated when he went up against Christ. We can be assured that the things that frighten, trouble or concern us are no match for our God.

Christ fought and won the ultimate battle so that we can live in victory and not fear. We can turn off the lights and sleep well knowing that the fight is fixed in our favor. The matter was settled thousands of years ago when Christ triumphed by dying on the cross and rising again victorious over death, sin and shame. Let’s go through this week viewing everything that comes our way through the lens of victory!

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