Daniel Prophesies the Son of Man


By Janice Hall

Scripture Lesson Text: aniel 7: 9-14

Daniel sees a vision of God the Father seated on His Throne, surrounded by numerous heavenly beings. The Lord “ Ancient of Days” prepares to judge the world. The first symbol represents the Babylonian Empire depicted as a winged lion. The second beast looks like a bear. The third creature symbolizes the Greeks under Alexander the Great. These would relate to the predicted line of empires that would dominate the Mediterranean region( Daniel 7:1-6).

The fourth creature was unique and unlike the others, described as powerful and horrifying, with bronze claws and iron teeth. According to that judgment, the first three beasts follow progression of power. They rise and fall but gives way to the next. The fourth beast is killed, incinerated and thus destroyed.

In verses 13 and 14, the vision displays a heavenly figure approaching God the Father,
“one like the Son of man”. This is a reference to the Messiah, a Promised One who would rescue Israel. The ‘Son of man’ is endowed with absolute power and authority over the entire earth. He is established as the ruler of an permanent, eternal kingdom.

Related Scriptures

By Doug Smith

Related Scriptures: Mark 9:2-10; Revelation 1:9-16; 20:11-15

In these passages of scripture, Mark 9: 2-10, we read that Jesus took his disciples up on the mountain, where He was transfigured. The transfiguration revealed Christ divine nature and His whole appearance shone forth in a glorious bright light. When the disciples saw Moses and Elijah, they saw evidence of life beyond life. Jesus instructed Peter,James, and John not to speak about what they had seen, ‘ till the Son of Man had risen from the dead’ .

In Revelation 1:9-16; 20:11-15, John describes himself as a”brother” and a “companion ” in tribulation” indicating that the church was undergoing intense persecution as he was writing this letter. Jesus tells John to write about what he saw about the present and what would take place in the future. The seven candlesticks are the seven churches in Asia and Jesus stands amongst them. He also described Jesus ( glorified form) , suggesting power, wisdom, and majesty. The latter verses speak of the Judgement at The Great Throne and the dead are judged by their deeds and those whose names are not found in the book of Life are thrown into the lake of fire.

Practical Points

By Olivia Saunders

1) God’s holiness will be on display at the Day of Judgment

Daniel was one of the few people in the Bible, who was chosen to see visions of things to come. When we read about these events, we can also see the posture and relationship that these select few had with God. Just like the righteous ones that walked close with God, we can have an opportunity to experience it as well. “ In the last days,’ God says, ‘I will pour out my Spirit upon all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy. Your young men will see visions, and your old men will dream dreams.“ (Acts 2:17 NLT). The Bible says that no man knows the day or the hour, and with the understanding that Jesus can come at any moment, our daily self reflection and confession should be ever present in our mind.

2) One day, Heaven’s books will be opened, and there will be no escaping their verdict.

It is a great perspective knowing that one day we as a people have to give an account of everything we have ever done. Everyone who is saved by Jesus Christ, has the hope of eternal life. God has given us the Holy Spirit to walk with us daily to keep, lead, and guide us. It is important daily to set aside strategic time with God to be able to heed to His voice. We are grateful God has given and will continue to equip us to hear, on that day… “Well Done Good and Faithful Servant“.

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