Deborah Encourages Barak


By Raufu Spagnoletta

Lesson text: Judges 4:4-10, 12-16

Our lesson takes place in the days of the Judges. Israel was in a cycle of sin, oppression, repentance, deliverance. When Israel sinned, God used evil oppressors to punish Israel, to bring them back to repentance then God would raise up a judge to deliver them from the oppression. In today’s lesson, we are introduced to Deborah, a prophetess, and the only female judge in Israel’s history. Deborah served as a judge who settled disputes and disagreements between people.

When our lesson opens, Deborah called Barak to give him a command from the LORD. “Take ten thousand men and lead them to Mount Tabor, I wll bring Sisera the commander of Jabin’s army to fight you at the Kishon River, he will have his nine hundred chariots of iron and soldiers, but I will give you victory over him” (GNB). Barak said, “If you go with me, then I will go; but if you will not go with me, then I will not go.” Deborah said, “I will surely go with you, but you won’t get the honor for the victory because the LORD will hand over Sisera to a woman” (GNB). Barak did as the LORD commanded and took ten thousand men to Mount Tabor.

When Sisera heard that Barak had gone up to Mount Tabor, he called out his nine hundred iron chariots and soldiers and went to the Kishon River. And Deborah said to Barak, “Go! The LORD is leading you! Today, He has given you victory over Sisera” (GNB). When Barak went down Mount Tabor leading his men into battle, God sent a big storm, which caused flooding on the battleground and the chariot wheels were bogged down in mud. Sisera’s soldiers fled on foot but Barak and his ten thousand men pursued and killed every man. Sisera escaped but was killed by Jael as he sought refuge in her tent.


By Doug Smith
Related scriptures, Judges:4:17-24
2 Kings:22:14-20; Exodus 14: 23-28 ; 15:18-21

In Judges 4:17-24, Sisera could not have been more pleased when Jael offered him her tent as a hiding place. Jael was the wife of Heber the Kenite, who were allies with his king, Jabin. Jael reassures Sisera and hides him under a rug. The women of that day were in charge of pitching the tents. While Sisera slept, Jael killed him by driving a tent peg through his skull, therefore Deborah’s prophecy was thus fulfilled ( vs.9).

In this passage of scripture, 2 Kings 22:14-20, we see that Hilkiah the priest with the approval of King Josiah, consulted Prophetess Huldah for spiritual guidance. She gave them God’s word to the Kingdom of Judah, that judgment was coming . Josiah’s heart was tender toward God and the message of judgement and he would die before the disasters came. This passage teaches us that God keeps His hard promises of judgment, but speaks mercy to those who humble themselves before Him.

In Exodus:14:23-28, we see how the Lord for the sake of Israel passed judgment on the Egyptians. On that day Pharaoh’s entire army was totally annihilated. Once again we see God’s judgment and God showed the whole nation that Moses was the chosen leader. Exodus 15:18-21, we see Miriam, a Prophetess of Israel, also the sister of Aaron the priest. She celebrated the victory that God had won for them, leading the women in worship.

Practical Points

By Charlene Armstrong Brown

We should not unduly rely on human support if we know the Lord is with us (Judges 4:8-10)

We often find ourselves seeking support from our family and friends which at times is alright, but oftentimes they are not available. God promises in His word to always be available for us and He promises to always be with us. “ And the LORD, He is the one who goes before you. He will not leave you nor forsake you; do not fear nor be dismayed.”( Deuteronomy 31:8 ). When God gives us a word designed for us, that word should be ENOUGH, If He said it we can believe it. For God places His word above His name, we can trust it to be true.

When the Lord gives victory we must follow up on it diligently (Judges 4:15-16)

When the Lord gives us victory, we must not delay or waste precious time, and respond and act quickly and accordingly, not procrastinate or be slothful. Let us remain humble and mindful as we give God all the praise and glory for what only He could do. Our obedience is tied to our victory; when God says act now, we must act now, if God says do it this way, then we must do it His way. By doing so, we honor God and His blessings perpetually flow in our lives. When we follow up diligently we will go from victory to victory as The Lord leads us.

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