Shekinah Christian Fellowship

Falling from Grace

Scripture to Memorize

For in Jesus Christ neither circumcision availeth any thing, not uncircumcision; but faith which worketh by love.

Galatians 5:6

Lesson Overview

Paul urged the Galatians not to give up their Christian freedom for bondage to the Law. If they tried to win God’s favor by obeying the Law, they would be denying His grace. As long as legalism prevailed among the Galatians, it would hinder their spiritual growth and create division among members of their churches. That is why Paul reminded them again of their liberty in Christ and their freedom to serve God and others out of love.

Life Awareness

The freedom we enjoy today was won at the cost of many lives. It would be a tragedy if we, as so many do, took this freedom for granted. Yet when we relate to God in a legalistic manner, we are guilty of devaluing the freedom we have in Christ. When we try to obtain God’s favor by works, we are saying that the sacrifice of Christ was insufficient to secure our righteousness. This week’s lesson will remind us that the liberty we have in Christ is too precious to abandon or to abuse.

Live Stream Tonight at 7pm

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