Gideon Destroys Baal’s Altar


By Sister Deborah Hillman

Scripture Lesson Text:
Judges 6:25-32

Related Scriptures:
Deuteronomy 7: 1-6; Exodus 34: 10-14; 1 Kings 18: 17-39

In this week’s lesson we learn of Gideon being given three tasks by an angel of the Lord. He was to destroy his father’s altar to Baal and tear down the Asherah poles beside it. He would take bulls of his father’s herd to accomplish this task and build an altar to the God of Israel.

Deuteronomy 7: 1-6 tells us that God choose the Israelities over many other nations because they were his chosen people. The command was to completely destroy the Canaanites and their altars. This destruction was necessary because of their worship practices. Exodus 34: 10-14 speaks of the renewal of the covenant made with the Israelites. God’s plan was to glorify Himself to all nations through Israel and to show His glory.

1 Kings 18: 17-39 begins with Elijah’s interrogation with Ahab. Ahab blamed the prophet Elijah for the problems in Israel. Here we see the infamous verse..” How long halt ye between two opinions?”(verse21). The verses continue to explain Elijah’s trial of the false prophets and the destruction of Baal’s prophets. The challenge would show whose God was the true god and the people would be completely persuaded.


By Sister Brittenne Boykin

This unit focuses on acts of courage. In Gideon, we see an example of God’s amazing plans in action. God used Gideon to deliver His people from the grip of Midianite oppression. God has a way of giving us the space and grace to face the things that need to be confronted. 

In today’s lesson, God calls Gideon to cast down the altar of the idol Baal (Vs.25) In order for God to move the people along, the issue of idol worship had to be dealt with. He called Gideon to not only pull down the idol altar but to build an altar to the one true God and sacrifice to Him. The next morning the opposition came. The people noticed Baal had been overthrown and a new altar had been erected in it’s place. 

The people were not pleased and in fact they wanted to kill Gideon. (Vs.29,30) Gideon’s obedience not only affected him but his household. His father, who was an elder, gave an answer. He advised the men to let Baal plead for himself because he was the one who’s altar had been cast down and replaced! (Vs.31) The one true God had once again used an ordinary person who had questions, concerns, and was fearful at times to still and yet again confront the enemy and do amazing things.


By Sister Raufu Spagnoletta

In our lesson, sandwiched between the call of Gideon as Israel’s deliverer (Judges 6:11-24) and his dramatic victory over the vast Midianite army (Judges 7:9-25), Gideon is commissioned by God to eradicate idolatry out of his father’s house. “…Throw down the altar of Baal that thy father hath, and cut down the grove that is by it:” “And build an altar unto the LORD thy God upon the top of this rock…and offer a burnt sacrifice…” (Judges 6: 25-26). This sacrifice prepared Gideon for God’s service.

In Judges 6: 27, we see Gideon respond in bold faith to God’s assignment in spite of his fears. “Then Gideon took ten men of his servants, and did as the LORD had said unto him: and so it was, because he feared his father’s household, and the men of the city, that he could not do it by day, that he did it by night.” God builds our faith and trust in Him step by step! Beloved, claim the promise in 2 Corinthians 12:9, and watch God do the impossible through you!

In the aftermath, the men of the city are enraged, saying to Joash “Bring out thy son, that he may die…” (Judges 6:30). When we live out our faith, others are influenced. We see a transformed Joash defend his son against all that stood against him.( Judges 6:31). Faith is for risk takers, for those willing to trust God beyond their comfort zone and believe Him beyond their imagination! Gideon prevailed in his risky mission and experienced God’s faithfulness both in enabling him to complete his assignment in spite of his fears and protect him from the expected consequences.

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