Today’s lesson text: 2 Chronicles 32:1-8, 22-23
Scripture By Doug Smith Lesson Text: Ruth 2, 8:18 When we first meet Ruth , she is a destitute widow. We follow […]
Today’s Sunday School Lesson features scripture review, synopsis, and practical application from our teachers.
Today’s lesson: Abijah Challenges King Jeroboam, Lesson Text: II Chronicles 13:3-18 with the following Related Scriptures: I Kings 15:1-2, 6-8; Numbers 10:8-10; Psalm 22:1-5.
One thought on “God Confirms the Covenant”
Praise God for these truths that was brought forth. I’m in my last class of Bible study on the OT covenants and the NT covenant and this was a blessing to glean further truths. Especially noting the sacrifice on Sinai and the ultimate sacrifice on Calvary; and the results from Moses relationship with God through trust and obedience; and in receiving instructions on how to share God’s Word.
Thank you and blessings.