God’s Gracious Rewards

Scripture Lesson Text: Matthew 20: 1-16
Related Scriptures: Matthew 19:16-30; 20:20-28; Luke 13:22-30

Jesus tells a parable that pictures the master of a household in need of workers for his vineyard. Though each started to work in the vineyard at different hours, at the end of the day they all received the same pay. The ones who worked longer hours were not happy that those who worked only one hour received the same pay they did.

In Matthew 19, we have a story of Jesus’ conversation with a wealthy young man, who asks how to attain eternal life. Jesus suggests to the man, to keep all the commandments, and also suggests for him to give up his wealth, to follow Him. The man had a sad reaction, proving he was unwilling to make God the real priority in his life. In Matthew 20: 20-28, the mother of James and John asks that when Jesus comes to the Kingdom, he would have one boy seated on his right and the other on the left. Jesus answers James and John, “When you ask for a place of special status, do you know what you ask for…?”( vs.26-28).

We see in Luke 13: 22-30, Jesus is making His way to Jerusalem and is teaching in the cities and the villages. Jesus must be in Jerusalem by Passover in order to fulfill the prophecies. “ Strive to enter in at the strait gate: for many, I say unto you, will seek to enter in, and shall not be able.”( vs. 24). The striving will require self-denial and God will hold man solely responsible for rejecting the offer of salvation. The destiny of those who don’t strive will be excluded from the Kingdom of God.

SYNOPSIS BY Deborah Hillman
This week’s lesson reminds us of God’s gracious rewards, as told through the parable of the vineyard owner and the laborers hired to harvest his crop of ripe grapes. Harvest time in Israel was probably very hot and the grapes needed to be harvested as quickly as possible to prevent them from rotting on the vine. He knew he needed many laborers as his vineyards were vast in acreage.

So the vineyard owner went to the marketplace to hire workers for the day’s harvest. He agreed to pay them a denarius (penny) for the work being done. The harvest began at 6 am, but then realized he would need more help, and went back to the marketplace, four more times. He told the workers he would give them a fair wage and at day’s end he paid all the laborers the same wage. The ones that started at 6 am felt they should have received more than those that worked for only an hour.

This parable teaches us that God’s rewards are based solely on His grace and sovereignty, not on human standards. God’s ways are not our ways, and there are many things He does that we don’t understand because, He is sovereign, gracious, just, and faithful in keeping His promises. He is also a reward for those who put all their trust in Him. We are to always trust and believe that He will do what is right for those He loves and who love him with all their hearts, minds, and souls.

In the lesson today we have a parable of a vineyard owner who goes out to hire laborers to work in his vineyard. It seems all of these men were eager and anxious to work, but some became jealous because all were offered the same reward regardless of how much time they worked. They were all in need of work and the owner chose to go out at different times of the day to hire them. This makes me think of how God sought us all at different times in our lives when we were searching and in need of someone to save us. God extended grace towards us through our belief in His son Jesus and the opportunity to be sent out to labor for His kingdom.

God’s gracious rewards are often received by those who believe in biblical and spiritual truths concerning salvation and eternal life. Here we see an excellent story depicting the sovereignty and grace of God. God is the only One who can offer salvation and eternal life to whom He so well pleases. Scripture reminds us that, these gracious gifts can not be earned by any works of man, lest any man shall boast but are gifts from our sovereign God who gives according to His own will.

This shows us a humbling reality of knowing God offers grace to all who make a conscious decision to follow His son Jesus Christ. Also regardless of how much money they have, how many cars they own, or whatever profession we have, we all will share eternal life regardless of how long or how short of a time we have labored for the Lord. We can’t be concerned with what God offers anyone else. God can offer and extend grace and mercy to anyone He wants to and we should count it a privilege and an honor that He extended grace towards us. We can rejoice that we get to be used by God as laborers for the work He has assigned for each and every one of us, for His glory.