Scripture to Memorize
Now we, brethren, as Isaac was, are the children of promise…not children on the bond woman, but of the free.
Galatians 4:28, 31b
Lesson Overview
Abraham had two sons: Ishmael, by natural birth according to man’s scheming; and Isaac, by supernatural birth according to God’s promise. Paul used these truths to point out that those who seek justification by the Law are children of bondage, even as Ishmael was a child of bondage. In contrast, all who trust in Christ for justification are children of freedom.
Life Awareness
All of us become frustrated at times over our inability and limitations to live as godly as we ought. And some of us wear ourselves out trying harder and harder to be as spiritually pleasing to God as possible. The problem with this line of thinking is that we leave God’s power and grace out of the picture.
As we will learn this week, the Lord unconditionally accepts us despite our imperfections. We are acceptable in His sight because of what Christ has done. Thus, our relationship with God is based on grace, not Law, and established through faith, not works. What freedoms we can have if we will only grasp these facts.
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