Jesus Authority Over Demons

Overview by Janice Hall

Scripture: Mark 9:14-29

As Jesus, Peter, James and John return to the rest of the disciples, they come face to face with the reality of life in a fallen world. We see an account of a demon possessed boy, a desperate father and imperfect disciples. The disciples are involved with a heated discussion with the scribes. As Jesus engages in the midst of a crowd, the desperate father comes forth with a detailed description of the boy’s pain.( found mainly in the book of Mark). While initially the father came to the disciples with hope, they were unable to help, despite having cast out demons previously.( Mark 6:7).

The father at this point approach Jesus because of the need, and hopes Jesus can help, even though Jesus senses doubt. Jesus calls for confident faith.(vs.23). The father responds  with a confession of faith and a cry for help. Jesus frees the boy and gives him new life. Jesus reveals the reason for the weakness of the disciples, which was due to lack of prayer and fasting.

Related Scriptures by Janice Hall

Matthew 17:14-21; Luke 9: 37-42; Mark 5: 1-13; Acts 8: 3-8

In Matthew’s account, we find Jesus and three disciples returning from the mountain, to find a crowd gathered around the remaining nine. A desperate father pleads on behalf of his son, that is afflicted by demon type seizures that at times makes him fall in fire and water. There were demanding crowds that had earthly needs of Jesus’ ministry. In Luke’s version, the verses speak of the radiant glory of the transfiguration, which just occurred before descending the mountain. Jesus’ season of ministry before the cross was coming to an end, and there was frustration with the disciples because they did not have more faith.

In this first portion of Mark 5, we have Christ casting the legion of devils out of the man possessed and sending them to enter the swine. Jesus had shown His authority over storms, while crossing the Sea of Galilee. In Mark 5:7, the demon demonstrated that they knew who Jesus was. We see in Acts 8: 3-8, Saul the Pharisee begins persecuting the believers in Jerusalem. Saul was only one of the many persecutors of Christians, but the end result was for the glory of God, because the persecuted yet spread the message.

Practical Points by Raufu Spagnoletta

3) We must never doubt God’s ability to act, no matter what the odds are…

We must never doubt God’s ability to use His power in our behalf, for God loves us and desires that we put our trust in Him (Psalms 9:10). We will know Him personally as the Almighty GOD when we trust Him for the impossible! God is still opening barren wombs, delivering souls out of demon possession and raising the dead to walk in the newness of life. “Ah LORD GOD! behold, You have made the heavens and the earth by Your great power and stretched out arm, and there is nothing too hard for You” (Jeremiah 32:17).

4) We do not need rock-solid faith; we just need faith in Jesus…

We need faith in Jesus to work the works of God (John 6:29), because everything in the Kingdom of God is by faith. Faith is the language of the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost. We live (Romans 1:17) and walk by faith (2 Corinthians 5:7). Faith comes to us by hearing the Word of God (Romans 10:17). We prosper and have good success in faith, by meditating on the Word day and night, and observing to do all that is written in it (Joshua 1:8).

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