Jesus Points to Daniel


By Brittenne Boykin

Scripture Lesson Text: Mark 13:14-27.

Mark 13:14-27 gives us a glimpse of Jesus’ return and the last days. He first points to a time of affliction and to the fulfillment of Daniel’s Old Testament prophecy of the abomination of desolation. This will be a time of great trouble so much so that he tells the reader to flee to the mountains(Vs.14). Pregnant and nursing mothers will have it so hard that He urges them to pray that they not give birth in winter to add to the struggle (Vs.17). Jesus warns that they will see tribulation that had not been seen since creation and never will be (Vs.19).

Jesus warns to beware of those proclaiming that this person or that person is The Christ (Vs.21). He says that both false christ & false prophets will arise (Vs. 22). They will perform signs and wonders, even leading astray the elect if possible! (Vs.22) He cautions us to be on guard, because he has already given a warning ahead of time of things to come.(Vs.23).

There will be global signs before Jesus returns. The sun will be dark and the moon will not give light! The very powers in the heavens will be shaken.(Vs.24-25) Then the Son of Man will return in power and glory (Vs.26) He will send His angels to gather His elect from near and even the ends of the Earth to himself! (Vs.26-27)

Related Scriptures

By Janice Hall

Related Scriptures: Daniel 12: 5-13; Joel 2: 1-17; Matthew 24:15-31; Luke 21:20-28

In Daniel 12: 5-13, Daniel ask for more clarity, but is told to return to his daily routine. What has been revealed is all the information God would provide at that time. Daniel had to be content with what was told him. He reassures Daniel that he would be resurrected and restored after death.

Joel, chapter two shows the Prophet uses the locust plague as a back drop to describe the Impending Day of the Lord. The Prophet calls for the community to repent, weep, fast and ask for God’s mercy. A promise is at hand if the people repent: God would remove the judgement, restore plenty and repair the breaches. In Matthew 24: 15-31, Jesus describes the sign of His coming and the end of the age. Jesus warns at the time of abomination that those in Judea should flee immediately, pointing towards the Great Tribulation, then the return of Jesus Christ.

The passage in Luke 21: 20-28, tells of Jesus warning about Jerusalem’s fall. He mentions the Gentiles taking over and the signs that would precede. Christ tells them what hard things they will suffer for His namesake. Christ encourages them to bear up under the trials.

Practical Points

By Charlene Brown

1) God’s grace toward His children is evident even in the midst of tribulation.

As children of God we have the blessed assurance that He will lead and guide us even in the midst of tribulation. It is because of grace that Jesus warns us in the scriptures to be on guard and not take our eyes or focus off of Him. We must remain alert and vigilant looking to the days ahead with faith and hope in He who is able to keep us from stumbling. In times of trouble God promises to protect His children, and we are reminded that God is always with us even in times of tribulation. “For the Lord your God is He who goes with you, to fight for you against your enemies to save you” (Deuteronomy 20:4)

2) We can be confident that Jesus is coming again to reign in power and glory.

Scriptures warn us of the great tribulation and the days of suffering, and yet Jesus reassures us that He will return in glory to gather His chosen ones during this time. This promise of deliverance is a reflection of the love God has for His children. No matter how bad things may seem, or how bad they may get, we have the confidence that Jesus will return with all power and glory. He will rescue us and bring us into eternal safety with Him, as we hold fast to our faith and trust God and His word. God is always with us and gives us the strength to endure any trial or tribulation.

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