Jesus Prays for Believers

SCRIPTURE BY Olivia Saunders

Scripture Lesson Text: John 17:6-21
Related Scriptures: Luke 22: 31-32; John 17: 22-24; Hebrews 7: 24-27

Jesus prays but do we? In the texts that has been given to us, it is simply an amazing reminder of why we should constantly rejoice. When we accept Jesus as our Lord and Savior, the benefits He gives us are unmatched. It’s not like the benefits that we receive on our regular job but it comes with the security that we are not just seen but heard. On our journey with Jesus, we will recognize that God the Father intended for us to never be alone and know that we’re always in His care.

As we continue to travel through what a disciple looks like through the word and bible study, there are assurances that will keep us going. Firstly in the text, Jesus reassures us that we are God’s special possessions. Secondly, we understand that Jesus our gift from God, has many attributes to make us better disciples daily. Thirdly, Jesus reveals that He prays for us because we belong to God. As we continue to sit in these passages we are constantly being encouraged knowing that being a disciple is a privilege.

Lastly, the series on discipleship that we have been sitting in with each other can encourage us to fight the good fight of faith, embrace our church community, and the seasoned disciples in our midst. In verse 11, Jesus asked God to protect us while we are doing His work in the earth. Regardless of what state we are in of discipleship, we have everything needed to persevere. In the word we are reminded that Jesus is on the throne interceding for us so that God’s will in our lives will be fulfilled. How amazing is it to know that when our labor as disciples one day will be rewarded, so we can continue to walk worthy of the calling of being a disciple.


In John 17, the chapter portrays a prayer of Jesus Christ addressed to his Father, before his betrayal and crucifixion. This passage is known as the High Priestly Prayer and Jesus speaks of three topics. The first topic is Christ Himself, asking God the Father to glorify Him so He can glorify the Father. Jesus prays for the faith and courage in His disciples. He also prays for those who will come to faith because of the apostles teachings.

Jesus speaks of His mission among the disciples and their reception of it.(vs.6-8). Jesus specifically had His disciples in mind in this prayer, because of the circumstances surrounding the departure of Jesus. They needed prayer because Jesus would not be there in His bodily presence to help them. Jesus not only prayed for the keeping of the disciples, but that their joy would be fulfilled in their lives.

Jesus prayed for their sanctification (vs.17-19). Jesus also prayed for those believers who would come to the faith by the testimony of these disciples. He prayed for unity and mutual love among all believers, even as among the original disciples “ they may all be as one”. (vs.21).


Jesus’ prayer in John 17 is the most extensive prayer of Jesus recorded in the Gospels. During His earthly ministry, Jesus was in constant uninterrupted communication with His Father in heaven through prayer. The setting of today’s lesson is on the night of Jesus’ betrayal and shortly before His arrest in Gethsemane. The writer of John invites us to enter the hallowed chamber of intercession where Jesus first prayed to the Father for Himself(1-5), prayed for His disciples (6-19), then prayed for you and I, His future disciples (20-26). As we read Jesus’ desires for us, let us make His desires our desires.

We read of three requests, Jesus asked the Father in behalf of His disciples: that they be united with an intimacy reflected in the oneness shared by Jesus and the Father; that God would keep them from the evil; that the Father would sanctify them through the truth in His Word. Jesus’ request for unity, protection and sanctification of His disciples of old are manifested unto us today through the work, person and ministry of the Holy Spirit. What steps are we taking to submit to the Spirit’s leading, guiding and teaching?

It’s simply amazing to read Jesus’ prayer to the Father on our behalf!
“I do not pray for these alone, but also for those who will believe in Me through their word; that they all may be one, as You, Father, are in Me, and I in You; that they also may be one in Us, that the world may believe that You sent Me” (John 17:20-21).

“For believers, becoming one with another is an outgrowth of the union they share with Jesus Himself, a union modeled on the oneness of the Father and the Son. Through the power of the Holy Spirit disciples can experience a profound spiritual intimacy with the Father and the Son and be transformed “ (Reference: Life Application Bible).

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