Jesus’ Response to a Dire Need


By Brother Doug Smith

We see in John 11:1-16, Jesus had been preaching in the villages beyond the Jordan, probably in Perea. When He received the news of Lazarus’ sickness, Jesus did not leave immediately, but He waited two days before returning to Judea. He knew Lazarus would be dead when He arrived in Bethany, but He was going to do a great miracle.

In these particular passages of scripture, I Corinthians 15:12-19, Paul wrote this part of the letter to clear up this confusion about the resurrection. The resurrection of Christ is the center of Christian faith. Because Christ rose from the dead as He promised, we know that what He said is true. Because He rose, we have certainty that our sins are forgiven. Because He rose, He lives, defeated death, and we know we will also rise.

In Matthew 9:18-26, we find Jesus responding to the synagogue ruler’s request. The ruler didn’t come to Jesus until his daughter was dead. Also while accompanying the ruler, the woman with the issue of blood has an encounter with Christ and is restored. After arriving at the ruler’s house, Jesus simply took the girl’s hand and she arose.


By Prophetess Lecha Price

In this epic story, Jesus was away with his disciples when He received the news that Lazarus, the one whom He loved, was sick. As such, the messenger relayed the urgent request if He would come and heal His dear friend. However, instead of immediately responding to the urgent request, Jesus intentionally stayed two additional days before leaving to see about His friend. On the third day, Jesus informed His disciples that it was time for them to leave that place, so that He go see about His sleeping friend whom required His assistance for waking up from his slumber. He further noted that He was glad for the disciples’ sakes that He was not there with Lazarus, so that they could experience and witness His miraculous power and might believe.

Although Jesus’ delay to go and see about His friend appeared odd to the disciples, He knew that there was a greater purpose in store for them and everyone who would witness the miracle. They all would learn that not only did He have the power to raise Lazarus from the dead, but HIS delay would have an eternal impact and ultimately bring glory to the Father. There are times when we find Jesus may not “come” when we first pray, but we can trust HE is never late and there is a greater work HE has in store.

A few reminders we can take away from today’s lesson are: 1) We can be confident the Father always hears us when we pray and He already knows what we have need of before we ask; 2) We never have to doubt Jesus’ love for us, He is always moved with compassion toward us and can be touched with the feelings of our infirmities; and 3) He may not “come” when we call, but we can be assured that when He “comes”, He is all we need and His glory shall be seen.

Practical Application

By Sister Tarae King

There are times when we have a need that only Jesus can fill. We call for Him and He won’t come when we think He should. It doesn’t mean He doesn’t hear us. It is possible that He is preparing the way for a greater intervention. Mary and Martha had strong faith in Jesus and so do we!

They knew that Jesus loved Lazarus with an unconditional and self-sacrificing love, Agapao. He loves us with that same love. He will always be there for us. His delay was because He didn’t want to just heal Lazarus. He had a bigger purpose for his life and He does for us too. Let Jesus get the glory from your life.

The disciples were fearful when they warned Jesus about going back and what the Jews would do. As we follow Jesus, we will still face difficulties in our lives. These are opportunities to strengthen our faith in Him. Jesus knew there was nothing to fear because He was doing the will of God. When we follow the will of God, we are in the safest place possible.

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