Love and Respect – Jan. 6

Scripture to Memorize

I charge thee before God, and the Lord Jesus Christ, and the elect angel, that though observe these things without preferring one another, doing nothing by partiality.

I Timothy 5:1-25

Lesson Overview

Christian love and mutual respect can provide a foundation for mutual cooperation in the Lord’s work. When God’s people treat each other with love and respect, their attitudes and actions provide a strong witness to the community. Regardless of whether we are talking about widows or church leaders, the proper and fair treatment of everyone in the congregation is essential to the vitality of the church.

Life Awareness

Image what it would be like if everyone at church thought only of himself, ignored the needs of others and belittled whatever was done for the Lord. The Savior would be dishonored, the health of His body would be damaged, and the well-being of His people would be harmed. In this week’s lesson we learn that by treating our spiritual brothers and sisters with love and mutual respect, we help create a worship environment that is is affirming and uplifting. We also will see that as we reach out to others with the compassion of Christ, we help them feel welcomed and appreciated.

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