Moses’ Audacious Request


By Sister Deborah Hillman

Scripture Lesson Text: Exodus 33: 12-23
Related Scripture: Isaiah 43: 1-7; John 1: 1-5, 14-18; Romans 4: 13-25

This week’s lesson takes us to Moses seeking God’s presence and direction on the journey into Canaan. Moses knew that God would send an angel to accompany him but he wanted God with him. So he prayed God would be with him and he would find grace, mercy and goodness upon his servant (Ex. 33:17).

Moses then sought to know more of God’s glory because he was seeking a deeper revelation of God. But Moses was told no man could see God’s face and live (vs. 20). Moses was then sent to stand upon a rock where God put him in a cleft. God would shield him with His hand and Moses would see His back.

In the Related Scriptures: Isaiah 43: 1-7 reinforces the love, care and need for us to know that God is always with us no matter the circumstances we may face. John 1: 1-5 let’s us know that when the beginning began, the Word was already there. John 1: 14-18 speaks of the Word being made flesh and lived among us. John the Baptist testifies of the greatness of the one coming after him being, Jesus the Christ, whose love and faithfulness will sustain us in our belief and trust in God’s word. Romans 4: 13-25 emphasizes the importance of a right relationship with God that only comes by faith in his promises.


By Elder Janice Hall

Moses lived with God’s wonderful abiding presence and was able to experience many amazing occurrences of God’s magnificent power. Yet Moses desired for more of God’s glory. God answered his prayer. Moses had seen God’s glory when the cloud(presence) covered Mount Sinai. When Moses had asked God to show him more of His glory, he was seeking God for an abundance of Himself in his life.

After Israel’s heart had turned towards God, they humbled themselves by removing their ornaments, and Moses preceded to take the next step towards a restored relationship. Moses prayed for the people. God revered the bold intercession of Moses and promised to restore His relationship with Israel. God promised to show Moses His goodness. God’s glory lies in His goodness.

God’s glory could not remain in front of Moses, it had to pass by him. God assures Moses that he had found favor and his requests had been heard. Specifically, to show goodness, proclaim the name of the Lord, to be gracious, and to show mercy were the the desired attributes. God stays with the people and launches them forward on a journey that is characterized by faithfulness and obedience.


By Minister Charlene Brown

These are some of the most spectacular and profound set of scriptures in the bible and truly some of my favorite verses. Here we see the promise of God’s presence recorded in verse 14, ”My presence shall go with thee, and I will give thee rest”. That must have been reassuring to Moses that not only did God promise to be with him but He also promised him rest. Moses being called by God to lead His people to the Promised Land was allowed a glimpse into the heart of God.

We, just as Moses, have access to the same promises of God, His presence and His rest. As we find ourselves today in the midst of a global pandemic, just as Moses was unaware of the uncertainty of what lay ahead of him, he knew who was in control of the outcome. We too have the promise that no matter what is going on around us we have the blessed assurance of God’s presence and rest. I don’t know about you but that’s good news.

In last week’s lesson God told Moses in Exodus 32:34, His angel would go before him and lead them. Because of Moses’ intimate relationship with God, he made a audacious request, that he wasn’t satisfied with being led by an angel. God did something unique. He allowed Moses to experience one of his greatest encounters with God. God does the same with us, as He reveals Himself to us during times of anxiety, doubt or fear to encourage us to fulfill the purpose and call on our lives. We know with God all things are possible and because of Him we can do all things through Christ Jesus who strengthens us.

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