Obedience Among Neighbors

Scripture Lesson Text : Leviticus 19: 9-18, 33-37
Related Scriptures: Psalms 15:1-5; Ruth 2:4-17; 1 Kings 21: 1-14; Matthew 5:43-48; James 2:1-9

This week’s lesson emphasizes the way we are to treat our neighbors, strangers and those in business and most of all those that are considered poor and disabled. God said leave the corners of your fields untouched, grapes on the vines and do not steal, lie, hold grudges or slander anyone. These verses point to being compassionate with one another.

Psalm 15: 1-5 reminds us of the blessings that come from obedience to God’s commandments and statutes. Here David describes the lifestyle of a righteous person. A believer honors the Lord and relates righteously to his neighbor, keeps their word, and do not allow their judgment to be clouded with corruption. Ruth 2: 4-17 tells us of the sacrifice Ruth made leaving her family and homeland to follow Naomi and care for her. God made sure they both were taken care of by leading them to Boaz’s land, where Ruth was overwhelmed by his kindness.

> 1 Kings 21: 1-14 speaks of the command in Lev. 19:11 where we are told not to lie, steal or deal falsely one to another. We see, Naboth refusing to give up his land to Ahab, and Jezebel’s speech reveals who really exercised authority in the palace of Israel. Matthew 5: 43-48 expresses the command that we are to love our neighbor as well as our enemies and not bear false witness against any person. These verses continues Jesus’ teaching on love and humility, a part of the Sermon on the Mount. James 2: 1-9 shows us not to favor one person over another, not favoring the rich over the poor.


In this week’s lesson we continue with this quarter’s theme of Learning to Honor God. Today’s text deals specifically with “Obedience Among Neighbors, and we see the common thread between justice and compassion. Our lesson scriptures out of the book of Leviticus remind us that God deeply cares about not only how we interact with Him but how we interact with others. We see laws concerning the harvest, (Vs.9-10), cautioning the Israelites not to reap to the edges of their field. This was as much agricultural as relational, and it gave way to being compassionate for the poor by leaving something behind for them.

He deals with the integrous way they were to conduct themselves in society and community admonishing them not to lie or steal (Vs.11). This was not only a command but again provided the building blocks of trust and good earthly relationships among them and others. Their behavior was a representation of the God that they named and were chosen to serve. He cautions them not to show partiality to some and not others based on economic status (Vs. 15). God even focuses them on the condition of their hearts concerning their brothers that they hold no hate or bear a grudge against them. (Vs.17-18).

God included treatment of strangers in the call to compassion issued in the text. (Vs.33) “And if a stranger sojourns with you in the land ye shall not vex him”. He even takes it a step further saying if a stranger dwells with them that they should love them as themselves reminding them that they were once strangers. (Vs.34-35) God uses these standards for living to intertwine justice and compassion. God calls them to be just, kind, honest and loving that their earthly relationships in business and community would both reflect, honor and glorify Him.


This week’s lesson reminds us that God always has and always will have expectations for His people to follow and be transformed into His likeness. Showing compassion towards each other has always been high on His list of requirements. We are to show compassion to all those of whom we come in contact with while being fair, just and impartial. We are to be especially kind and empathetic to the least among us and those that are disabled.

We don’t have to look far to get a glimpse of what it looks like to show compassion because there are so many stories in God’s word that reveal such humble acts of kindness. Mainly speaking, Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior who was always showing love and compassion towards those who were often marginalized and rejected by society. This lesson makes it very clear and plain that we are to model after Jesus and sympathize with others as we come alongside them and do all that is in our power to help them.

We must also be mindful of the life and welfare of our neighbors, for we are to look out for those who are disabled or unable to care for themselves. God demonstrated time after time a concern for those who were disabled, and He noted in His word several times how we are to treat them and each other. Therefore let us take note that we were once enemies of God, but because of His love towards us He showed compassion towards us and offered unto us the free gift of salvation that we may walk in His likeness and grow everyday into true disciples.

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