Obedience in Building the Tabernacle

Scripture Lesson Text: Exodus 40: 16-21;29-30,34,38
Related Scriptures: Related Scriptures: 2 Chronicles 3:1-15; 5:2-14; Ezra 1:1-11; 6: 1-18

In today’s lesson text, we have Moses overseeing the assembling of the tabernacle. Moses’ complete obedience to the clear and specific detailed instructions was the key to such a task. In 2 Chronicles 3:1-15; 5:2-14, focuses on where and when the temple construction began, specifically located at Mt. Moriah. Solomon began to build the house of the LORD. There were four main structures described: 1)the temple proper 2)the vestibule 3) the three storied side chambers, and a large courtyard.

There were special details given to the Most Holy Place, where gold was everywhere in the temple. Solomon assembled the elders of Israel to be present for the placement of the ark of the covenant. There was a sound of praise from the Levites, and the cloud of God’s glory filled the temple. The awesome presence of the glory of God made normal service impossible. The presence was so intense that the priests knew it was impossible to continue the building.

The book of Ezra falls into two sections. Chapters 1-6 deal with the initial return of a remnant from Babylon under the leadership of Zerubbabel in 538 B.C., with the aim of restoring the Temple. God wanted to restore His people to the land, according to His gracious promise. Also God wanted spiritual restoration for His people for proper worship and godly living.

We see in the lesson in Exodus 40, God is giving specific instructions to set up the tabernacle. The beginning verses ( 1-15), gives us a background of the furnishings in the tabernacle. Also to note, the task took place one year after the miraculous exodus of Israel’s deliverance from Egypt. We see the participation of the community adding to the completed work. In verse(17), the text informs us that there was a particular day determined by God, when the momentous occasion of erecting the tabernacle was to occur.

The Ark of the Covenant was the most important item in the tabernacle. A veil was hung to partition off the most holy place from the Holy place, “ as the Lord commanded Moses.” Two offerings are mentioned that the Lord commanded Moses to offer outside the tabernacle. Every aspect of the tabernacle provided a practical and orderly reason for worship. Because Moses had done everything as the Lord commanded, the tabernacle was ready for the LORD to fill it with His presence.

God was in their midst and not to be found only on a mountain top, or in a cloud or pillar of fire. The LORD visibly demonstrated His presence to the people. They now knew now the LORD was present with them, led them and also met with Moses, a prophet of God.

The practical application encourages us to live our lives as living tabernacles that are holy to the Lord. Moses completely obeyed God in all the instructions that were given to build the tabernacle. Once it was finished, the glory of the Lord filled the tabernacle to the extent that Moses could not enter. As believers today, we have the indwelling presence of the Holy Spirit abiding within us. In fact, I Corinthians 3:16 reminds us that we are God’s temples and His Spirit dwells in us.

Because we are living tabernacles of God, the Apostle Paul urges us in Romans 12:1 to present our bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God which is a reasonable portion of our service. In doing so, we become a beacon of light in a sinful world, and God has chosen and called us out of the world to be His expression in the world. Many things are happening around us and people need a sign of hope. When we live as true children of God and let our lights shine, we become the hope they are looking for and a path that will lead them to Jesus, our Lord and Savior – where true life begins. Let us live our lives as living tabernacles for the glory of God!

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