Obedience in Justice

Lesson Text: Exodus 23:1-9
Related Scriptures: Deuteronomy 19:15-21; Proverbs 6: 16-19; Isaiah 10:1-4;
Jeremiah 5: 25-29; Mark 14:55-59

Exodus 23:1-9 are not merely a collection of laws but are case studies of God’s principles in action. God was taking potential situations and showing how His laws would work in the Israelites everyday lives. These case studies had several objectives: 1) to protect the nation, (2) to organize the nation, and (3) to focus the nation’s attention on God. The laws listed here do not cover every possible situation, but they give practical examples that make it easier to decide what God wants.

Deuteronomy 19:15-21, further explains the way God had set forth for a matter to be resolved concerning principles of true and false witness. In these passages, we find how justice was supposed to be administrated among the Israelites.We find the familiar scripture,” ..by the mouth of two or three witnesses, the matter shall be established.” Proverbs 6:16-19, explains the things that the Lord hates and also are an abomination unto Him. A false witness, one who sows discord among the brethren, a proud look, a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that deviseth wicked imaginations, and feet that are swift and running to mischief.

Isaiah 10:1-4, tells us that God will judge unjust judges and those who make unfair laws, and those who oppress others will be oppressed themselves. In Jeremiah 5:25-29, we find that God is displeased when we don’t tend to the needs of the orphans and those who are less fortunate. Also He sees our deeds and how wickedness will be dealt with by God. Mark14:55-59, relates that even Jesus had many people who bore false witness against Him, and the false witnesses kept disagreeing with one another.

In today’s lesson we begin a new unit “Obedience in Society” and this quarter we have been studying, “Learning to Honor God.” Now there is a connection between how we honor God and the impact it has on how we treat and interact with each other. God created us to love God and love our neighbor. Matthew 22: 37-39 sums it all up as Jesus teaches us, “Jesus said to him, You shall love the LORD your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind. (38) This is the first and great commandment. (39) And the second is like unto it, You shall love your neighbor as yourself.”

In this selected passage of scriptures we find a list of mixed laws which incorporate protection of equity and unbiased justice for all. It begins with false testimony, being a follower by following the majority, favoring one over another, and the acceptance of bribes. We clearly have actions here that lead to the perversion of what we know as true justice. The law was created to encourage the Israelites to have an attitude of impartiality, which includes and involves helping one another. The people were required to help each other with their animals regardless if it was a good friend or a stranger.

One can say that the Israelites were commanded above all else to seek justice, for justice is the principal and the practice of moral rightness, equity, and fairness. God’s word makes it very clear concerning justice, for justice is a principle we must embrace if we desire to be like God. God is righteous, just, and fair and we being created in His image are to be imitators of God’s righteousness, fairness, and justice. God’s word teaches us what He requires of us and expects when we are dealing with each other, God demands that we be fair and honest.

This week’s lesson breaks the text down in 3 sections; Impartiality In Legal Cases Exodus 23:1-3, Compassion In Everyday Conduct Exodus 23:4-5, and Integrity In Human Relations, Exodus 23: 5-9. We see in today’s lesson justice not only as a common theme but how it is interwoven with our faith and God’s desire that His kingdom be advanced in the earth. God uses His commandments as a vehicle to an orderly and honorable society where relationships flourish not only with Him but with one another. Threaded deep into His commandments is a kindness for our fellow man and even our enemies (Vs.4) He commands us to be honest even in legal matters (Vs.1)

This week’s set of scriptures reminds us that we can be those that not only avoid doing wrong but can be compassionate and kind to our fellow man. Let us be those who go above and beyond not as those who just check it off our spiritual list but as those who see the heart of God lived out in seeking justice, practicing compassion and seeing others as God does!

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