Obedience in Leadership

Scripture Lesson Text: Exodus 3: 1-12
Related Scriptures: Joshua 1: 1-9; Judges 6: 11-16; 1 Samuel 15: 10-26
1 Chronicles 17: 1-14; John 17: 1-5

This week’s lesson begins with Moses tending to his father in law’s flock when he comes upon a burning bush that wasn’t being consumed by the fire. Moses is then given the command by God to lead the Israelites out of Egypt into the land promised to their father. Moses felt he wasn’t suited for this task but God reassured him.

Joshua 1:1-9 tells us of the command given to Joshua by God to continue leading the Israelites, trust the word of the Lord and act upon it. (vs.8 ) God said he would be with him as he was with Moses. In Judges 6:11-16, Israel had once again turned to evil and idols. God turns them over to the Midianites. The Lord sends a prophet, Gideon ,a mighty man of valor, to remind them of God’s goodness and their disobedience.

Samuel 15:10-26 relates how God clearly told Samuel to tell Saul to bring a total judgment against the Amalekites. Saul disobeyed, and kept the best for himself. Saul’s pride led to self deception. 1 Chronicles 17: 1-14 speaks of David longing to honor God by building Him a dwelling place, but God assured David of His promises. John 17: 1-5, is known as the High Priestly Prayer, which shows Jesus prays, now in recognition that “the hour” has arrived.


Today’s lesson reflects on the familiar passage of scriptures that describes the moment when God calls Moses to lead Israel out of slavery. Moses was serving as a shepherd on the west side of the Sinai wilderness. The Lord appears to Moses in a burning bush. The scripture notes “ the angel of the Lord” appeared in the flames of a bush with fire, that would not extinguish. Moses curiosity prompted him to look at the fire, then the Lord spoke to him from the bush and Moses answered.

Moses knew he found himself in the presence of the Holy One of Israel. God reveals Himself as the same God as his father, and of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Moses feared greatly and hid his face from God. God expressed to Moses, that He had seen the affliction of the Israelites in Egypt, and came so that He could deliver them from Egypt, and bring them to the Promised Land.

Moses began to doubt, that he could be the deliverer of God’s people. God promised Moses that His powerful presence would equip him for the task. God said He would give Moses a sign that the Lord had commissioned him. This was an indication that Moses would bring the Israelites out of Egypt and serve the Lord on the same mountain, Mount Sinai. God wants his people to see their insufficiency and depend upon God alone to accomplish the work given.


This week’s lesson gives us a bird’s eye view of one of the most fascinating happenings in scripture. It details the miraculous story of how God began His plan to deliver His people through Moses. Moses is faithfully on assignment caring for the sheep when he notices a bush on fire (Vs.3). A bush that just happens to be burning but never burns up! Moses made the decision to turn aside and focus on this thing that he had never seen before.

The divine shows up in Moses’ everyday life while he is doing his everyday task! God showed up and in a big way and that’s where Moses comes in. You see it was God’s plan to send him to be the voice that would go to Pharaoh and ultimately bring the people out (Vs.10). Moses voices his concerns and advises God of his limitations. God in His loving care assures Moses that He will be with him and the rest is literally history!

We can learn a lot from this epic scene. Moses reminds us that amazing things can be set in motion right where we are, being faithful over seemingly mundane and routine tasks. He proves that turning aside to see what is right next to us can become a Holy experience. We can see God and be a part of His amazing plan right in our neighborhood, at our schools, in our local church and on our job. We just have to look around and partner with God in His amazing story!

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