Overview By Janice Hall Scripture Lesson Text: Jonah 1:7-17 . This unit of lessons is entitled: Jonah : A Resistant Prophet. The prophet Jonah was found ministering in the northern kingdom of Israel, during the times of 784-772, B.C. God gave instructions to Jonah to give a message of […]
Overview By Brittenne Boykin Scripture Lesson Text: Mark 13:14-27. Mark 13:14-27 gives us a glimpse of Jesus’ return and the last days. He first points to a time of affliction and to the fulfillment of Daniel’s Old Testament prophecy of the abomination of desolation. This will be a time […]
Overview By Janice Hall Scripture Lesson Text: Daniel 10:10-19. The event recorded here in Daniel chapter 10, occurred in the third year of the reign of Cyrus, king of Persia, around 536 B.C. This chapter gives a background to the prophecies detailed in chapters 11 and 12. In chapters […]
We’re excited to celebrate! Join us Sunday, October 20th at 3pm with our special guest speaker, Bishop Anthony Willis. Location: New Providence Baptist Church 218 Granda Avenue, SF
Overview By Raufu Spagnoletta Scripture Lesson Text: Daniel 8:19-26 The angel Gabriel was sent to Daniel to interpret the vision he had seen (vss. 3-12). “Behold, I will make you know what shall be in the last end of the indignation: for at the time appointed the end shall […]
Overview By Janice Hall Scripture Lesson Text: aniel 7: 9-14 Daniel sees a vision of God the Father seated on His Throne, surrounded by numerous heavenly beings. The Lord “ Ancient of Days” prepares to judge the world. The first symbol represents the Babylonian Empire depicted as a winged […]
Overview By Raufu Spagnoletta Scripture Lesson Text: Daniel 3:1, 8-18 Some say that the Bible is the best commentary in itself and by comparing scripture with scripture the Holy Spirit opens our eyes to behold the wondrous works in God’s Word. Some comparative Scriptures for today’s lesson are, Exodus […]
Ladies, we are thrilled to invite you to our next Women’s Ministry Fellowship happening this Saturday, September 14th, from 11 AM to 1 PM. Whether you’ve joined us before or this will be your first time, we’re excited for you to be a part of this uplifting time of connection […]
Overview By Brittenne Boykin Scripture Lesson Text: Daniel 3:1, 8-18 Today’s lesson may be familiar to some. The Babylonian King Nebuchadnezzar has made a golden image and placed it in a prominent location for the people to worship this image. (Vs.1) The king made a decree that everyone should […]