Brothers in Christ, we invite you to be a part of an incredible time of fellowship at Shekinah Christian Fellowship! If you’re seeking a deeper connection with other men who are committed to growing their faith and living out their discipleship in community, this is the perfect place for you. […]
We pray you are having a safe and restful Labor Day. As we spend time with family, taking a break from regular work and school, we are mindful that today we would normally be preparing our hearts for evening prayer. In recognition of Labor Day, instead of in-person prayer or […]
Overview By Olivia Scripture Lesson Text: Acts 9: 36-43 > Overview : 2 Kings 22:8-10; 23:1-3, 21-23 > > In 1&2 Kings we get an indepth look at who and how the children of Israel were governed. There had been good and bad kings in the eyes of the […]
Overview By Raufu Spagnoletta Scripture Lesson Text: Acts 9: 36-43 Scripture Lesson Text: 2 Kings 5:1-5; 9-15a Most of the Old Testament focuses on the nation of Israel, but a few accounts show God actively working in other nations to make Himself known. In today’s lesson we see how […]
Overview By Janice Hall Scripture Lesson Text: Acts 9: 36-43 Lesson Text: 1 Samuel 16: 1-4b, 6-13 This chapter begins with God telling Samuel to go and anoint a new king over Israel. God anointed David to be Israel’s next king. The first king of Israel was anointed for […]
Overview By Janice Hall Scripture Lesson Text: Acts 9: 36-43 A few verses prior to our text today, we see God working miracles through the Apostle Peter. Peter went through all parts of the country to do ministry. Peter found a certain man in need of healing. God wanted […]
Overview By Brittenne Boykin Scripture Lesson Text: Luke 7:36-50 Who doesn’t love a good dinner party!, because this week’s text gives us a front row seat to a shared meal that didn’t quite go as planned. We see a Pharisee inviting Jesus to dinner (Vs.36). Much to the surprise […]
Overview By Doug Smith Scripture Lesson Text: Esther 3:2-3, 5-6a, 4:7-16 Lesson Text : Esther 8:3-8 ; 9:18-23 This lesson opens with king Ahasuerus giving the house of Haman, the Jews’ enemy to Esther the queen. Haman saw the Jews as a threat to his power, and decided to […]