Priscilla, Aquila, and Apollos

By Charlene Armstrong Brown

Scripture Lesson Text: Acts 18:1-4; 18-21; 24-28

During this winter quarter of Sunday School lessons we have been examining many different facets of Love. “Love of the Father,” “Acts of love by Jesus” and this last unit titled “Acts of Love by Jesus Followers.” coming out of the book of Acts. Our ministry is currently studying the book of Acts during our Bible Study lessons and it aligns with the vision of the church.

Here in the text we find Paul after his departure from Athens continuing his mission to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ. Paul journeys to Corinth and meets a certain Jew named Aquila and his wife Priscilla. The couple were tent makers by trade just as Paul was, and he stayed with them as he continued to preach in the synagogue that Jesus was the Messiah.

Paul, Aquila, and Priscilla journeyed to Ephesus to continue ministering and while there a Jew named Apollos arrived. He was a man eloquent in his speech, who knew Jesus, but didn’t have a depth of knowledge of His life. Aquila and Priscilla, seeing Apollos’ zeal for Jesus, decided to teach him the truth. Apollos would go on to boldly preach the gospel with accuracy convincing and converting many.

Related Scriptures: Acts 18:5-17; Romans 16:3-5; 1 Corinthians 3:1-10
In Acts 18:5-17, Paul under the power of the Holy Spirit was compelled to preach to the Jews, that Jesus was the Messiah. They opposed him, so he chose to go to the Gentiles. He went to the house of a man named Justus who worshipped God, then Crispus who also believed Paul’s words. During this time many Corinthians heard and believed and were baptized. Then the Lord spoke to Paul at night in a vision and told him, “Do not be afraid and continue to boldly speak for I am with you.”

In Romans 16:3-5, Paul’s letter to the Romans greets Priscilla and Aquila as his fellow workers in Christ. He makes known their sacrifice and how they risked their lives for him. Paul expresses his deep gratitude and sincerity of how he and the Gentile churches appreciated them and were very fortunate to know them. Paul also mentions the church that meets in their house.

1 Corinthians 3:1-10, Paul addresses the Corinthian believers, calling them carnal and babes in Christ. The believers were arguing and filled with jealousy, strife, envy and division. He rebuked them for putting their faith in man instead of recognizing that God is the one who gives increase. Paul explains to them that he and Apollos are nothing more than servants of God. Paul planted the seed, Apollos watered it, but God gives the increase, emphasizing that the foundation of the church is Jesus Christ.

Practical Point
Christian growth and service require teamwork

God’s plan and design for each of our lives involves each of us working together in unity and in community to achieve the bigger picture, which is establishing His kingdom on earth. We see it modeled in the book of Acts with the early church, all being on one accord. The church thrived and grew because believers worked together in service. When we work together we grow together. We were never created to be isolated but to encourage and edify each other, as we are many members of one body, so also is Christ.

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