Spiritual Armor

Every day as we wake up and get prepared for the day there are routines that we practice. The average person puts on what they feel will help equip them for the day. The lesson for today makes us more aware of what we should clothe ourselves with outside of what the world has to offer. The Apostle Paul gave a detailed teaching of spiritual warfare. Paul encouraged the people at Ephesus and reminded them of their strength, more importantly the Source.!

In verse 11, we are charged to gird ourselves with the whole armor of God, that will surely make us successful against the enemy and his tactics. Paul did not call the believer to enter into spiritual warfare, it was announced as a fact. We see in verse 12, that Paul gives a full description of Satan’s evil forces, namely: principalities, powers, rulers of the darkness of this world, and spiritual wickedness in high places. When we are fully equip with the full armor of God then victory will be ours.

We see in verses, Ephesians 6:13-17, the reader is given the purpose for the armor, how we are protected by the armor, the preparation of the armor, potential of the armor and the power of the armor. We are to stand firm in God’s armor, in truth, righteousness, the gospel, faith, salvation and the Word. It is through prayer that spiritual strength and the armor of God go to work. We can battle spiritually on behalf of others as well as ourselves. After Paul instructed the Ephesians to pray for one another, he asked them also to pray for him.

Related Scriptures: Romans 8: 27-28

In Romans 8: 27-28, we see the correlation of the Holy Spirit’s help in our weakness of this world’s many temptations, that are always present. We are to have faith and belief the Holy Spirit intercedes on our behalf with groanings that can not be expressed. The Holy Spirit, searches all our hearts of those whom He helps and He is able to guide our prayers according to the will of God. God also gives the Holy Spirit as a Comforter, Counselor, Encourager, and Helper.

In 2 Corinthians 10: 1-5, Paul being a messenger of God’s word, encourages us to act with boldness on the promises of God. We are to pray, show gentleness and kindness to those that wage war against us because of our faith in Christ Jesus. As we use God’s weapons; the breastplate of righteousness, shield of faith and helmet of salvation to bring down the strongholds in our lives, we can be victorious. We are to be obedient to His word and can be assured that He will keep us strong in our faith as we allow Him to fight our battles.

1 Peter 5: 6-11, reminds us that we are to humble ourselves under the mighty hand of God, and that we are to always in any circumstances look to Jesus for our strength, guidance and understanding. We must resist the enemy (Devil)and we are to stand firm in our faith and belief in Jesus Christ. He will restore and strengthen us as He places us on solid, firm foundation. We cast our anxieties on the Father who cares for us.


**Apart from God’s hellp, we are no match for Satan ( Ephesians 6:10-11)

The writer of Ephesians gives us the remedy for the frustration that comes from fighting in our own strength. We can find ourselves frustrated, depleted and downright exhausted when it comes to trying to fight a battle alone and without using our battle gear. We do every time we engage Satan in our power and with partial armor. You see the scripture reminds us to not only put it on, but to put on all of it so that we can stand against all the devil’s tricks and schemes. Simply put, we are to use all our armor in knowing that we are fully equipped to remain standing in the power of God’s might!

**We can resist Satan’s temptations only if we are solidly grounded in the truth and are living out that truth in our lives. (Ephesians 6: 13-15)

How many times do we find ourselves in the valley of regret and remorse for thinking or doing something we know is contrary to the abundant life that Christ promised us. How do we overcome the leanings of our unhealthy, counterproductive leanings and desires? This week’s text gives us a solution because It tells us to be grounded with our feet fit with the gospel or the good news, firmly planted in the truth of what His word says. When we choose to trust God and HIs word, His truth becomes our reality. When we trust God those temptations begin to pale in comparison to the full robust life that God offers.

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