Spiritual Weapons


By Janice Hall

Scripture Lesson Text….2 Corinthians 10:1-12, 17,18
Related Scriptures: 1 Corinthians 2:1-16; Ephesians 6: 10-18

In the scripture lesson text, Paul endures a personal charge against him; that he is unimpressive in person to be a true apostle of Christ. Paul’s focus is on spiritual warfare, and an appeal to the Corinthians, to reject the false apostles and their doctrines.

In 1 Corinthians 2:1-16, Paul reminds the Corinthians that he did not make an impressive display of his knowledge or speech, when he first met them. Paul’s work was to use human words to help interpret the spiritual truths. Those without the help of God’s Holy Spirit cannot comprehend spiritual things. Through the Holy Spirit, we have access to the mind of Christ.

Paul concludes his teachings In Ephesians 6:10-18, with comparing aspects of the Christian faith to a soldier’s equipment, “ the armor of God”. Each piece connects to an area of spiritual life for reliance upon God’s strength. Paul ends this letter with prayer and blessings, again, asking God for strength and success in battle.


By Janice Hall

We see in today’s lesson, the Apostle Paul taught about the spiritual war, continuing with the children of God. He continues to defend himself against those who opposed him. Paul continued to appeal to them with his authority, but by the gentleness and meekness of Christ. Paul suggests such traits could be mistaken for weakness. Christ, after all humbled himself to the point of death, but He was not weak.

Being led by the Holy Spirit, Paul moved forward in love and boldness. Paul’s authority as Christ’s apostle was real and intended to build up the Corinthians even though discipline was at hand. The battle was spiritual and not of the flesh. Paul’s purpose was to lead others to faith in God, not to tear down, but build up. 

By using the reference scripture, Jeremiah 9:24, Paul rebukes the Corinthian Christians who found their glory in Paul or against Paul. Paul shows that we should not glory in ourselves in another or against another, -we should only glory in the LORD. Paul would only boast in the Lord God and looked to Him for his approval. “ Finally , my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might.”(Ephesians 6:10).

Practical Application

By Brittenne Boykin

Paul reminds us in this week’s lesson to keep the main thing the main thing! He brings us into an ongoing issue he is having with the church at Corinth. Many among these believers whom Paul had worked and labored with in ministry doubted his authority (Vs.10). Our text reminds us that humans have been struggling with conflict for thousands of years.

The apostle proceeds to lay out a blueprint for managing these sticky situations. Oftentimes when we are misunderstood or misjudged our inclination is to mirror the behavior that we have received. Paul taps us on the shoulder and points to a better way. We are to remember that our struggle and fight is not with our sister or brother, co-worker or family member.

Our fight is spiritual, therefore our weapons must be those of the spirit (Vs. 4). He reminds us that meekness (strength confined) is not a detriment but rather a God given grace available to the believer. (Vs.8). Let us cultivate the building blocks of scripture reading, prayer and listening to the preached word (to name a few), that allow us to respond correctly in meekness and with peace as our goal.

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