The Birthright of Freedom

Scripture to Memorize

“As ye have therefore received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk ye in him: Rooted and built up in him, and stablished in the faith.” (Col. 2:6-7a)

Lesson Overview

The Galatians, in their pre-conversion days, were bound in chains of sin and pagan beliefs. They were set free, however, through faith in Christ. Sadly, under the influence of the Judaizers, they were becoming enslaved to religious ceremonies, customs, and forms. As the Galatians embraced legalism, they spurned their former associations with Paul. The apostle warned them that legalism would hinder and ultimately reverse their spiritual growth. He urged them to reject all forms of legalism and to embrace the freedom that Christ gives to all who believe. Only then would they found the blessings they so eagerly sought.

Life Awareness

The world is achievement oriented and people value each other far to often merely for what the other person can do. If we allow this way of thinking to infiltrate our lives and the church, the results will be disastrous. We need to remember that God does not accept us because we have achieved certain spiritual goals. Our relationship with Him is founded on grace and faith, not good works. Without faith, it is impossible to please God (Heb. 11:6). Apart from trust in Christ, we will neither draw close to God nor mature as we ought.

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