The Creation of Woman

Overview by Brittenne Boykin

Lesson Text: Genesis 2:18-25

In this week’s lesson we see God having created man and determining that it was not good for him to be alone (Vs.18).  The Lord God in all His creative majesty began to form out of the ground every beast of the field and fowl of the air. He then gives Adam, the man that He created, the privilege of naming them . It blows my mind that the God of the universe allowed His creation Adam to do the naming and Adam went about ascribing a name to every last creature that God had created.(Vs.19-20)  Adam named all the beautiful, different animals that The Lord God had created, but there was no one that was a help meet to him.(Vs.20)
God in His infinite care and love for Adam caused him to fall into a deep sleep. (Vs.21) God took one of Adam’s ribs and closed up the flesh (Vs.21), and from that rib made a woman (Vs.22). Adam decreed that she would be bone of his bone and flesh of his flesh, and called her ‘ woman ‘ because she was taken from man. He proclaimed that a man would leave his father and mother and cleave to their wife becoming no longer two but one flesh(Vs.24). Scripture goes on to tell us that they were naked and not ashamed. (Vs.28)

Related Scriptures by Olivia Saunders

Related Scriptures: Genesis 1: 26-31; 3:9-21; 5:1-2; I Timothy 2:12-15 

There has been various discussions over the centuries about evolution, and how people evolved. As children of God, we have no doubt how it all started and how we as humans came to be. Genesis 1:27, is our reference point of the beginning of man and woman. God in all his infinite wisdom understood that Adam needed someone with him on the earth. Genesis 2:18 states, “Then  the Lord God said, it is not good for the man to be alone, I will make a helper who is like him”.

We see in our second set of related scriptures, there is a description of man’s rebellion against God. After falling to temptation, the man and woman foolishly tried to hide from God. When confronted with their sin, they confessed but also tried to shift blame.

(Genesis 3:12).  God wanted in His plan to bring forth redeemed man. God gave three individual curses which would affect humanity to this day.\

As we journey to the New Testament, Paul himself provides his perspective on the matter.  In 1 Timothy 2:12-15, Paul makes a connection between woman and how their code of conduct should be relating back to Adam and Eve. A large portion of these verses are on the role of women in worship services. Women should not take a specific spiritual leadership role reserved for men. We are to reflect on this time in history, the customs, and the societal structure.

Practical Points by Janice Hall

Our wise God often allows us to recognize our deficiencies so that we might appreciate His provision and seek Him.

God promises to provide for His people, and His word is full of promises we can adhere to no matter the circumstance. God promises to give His people rest( Psalms 23:2), and can experience it by placing our trust in Jesus. God directs and guides our steps so we can fulfill His great purpose for us. God gives us the grace we need for any situation; and it’s a gift freely given. God provides us with peace for all circumstances, and gives us confidence, and satisfies our souls.( Philippians 1:6).

God’s provision is always exactly what we need.

When we are seeking God’s wisdom and direction for where to go, what to do, how or when, God always has the answers. When we seek God’s wisdom, we must go before Him in a secret place, where we can listen for His voice. We learn to seek His face through prayer, asking His Spirit to reveal His plan for our lives. We are to daily feast on His word. This time with the Lord will be life changing, as our relationship grows with God, as well growing in wisdom.

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