The Raising of Lazarus

Overview by Doug Smith

Lesson text:John 11:38-44

In today’s lesson , John gives us a closer look at the life of Jesus. The scriptures shows us how Jesus has power over life and death as well as power to forgive sins. This is because He is the creator of life. He who is life can surely restore life. Whoever believes in Him has a spiritual life that death cannot touch, or diminish in any way.

John emphasizes that we have a God who cares.   Here we see many of Jesus‘ emotions: , compassion ,Indignation, frustration, and sorrow. When Jesus saw the weeping and wailing, He too wept openly. Tombs at this time were usually caves carved in the limestone rock of a hillside, large enough for people to walk inside. After burial a large stone was rolled across the entrance to the tomb.

Jesus prayed to the Father, gave thanks and called out with a loud voice,  Lazarus come forth!! The resurrection of Lazarus foreshadows the resurrection of Christ.The miracle would help the disciples know that He was the Savior. The raising of Lazarus shows the fullness of who Jesus is in his humanity and in his divinity. This is the 7th of John’s “ signs” of Jesus’ divine power. 

Related Scriptures by Brittenne Boykin

John 11:1-37

The set of scriptures in John 11:1-37 recount the scene before Jesus raises Lazarus. He has received word from Mary & Martha that his dear friend Lazarus has died. Jesus delays in making the journey and by the time he reaches them, Lazarus has been dead four days setting the stage for a miracle. When Jesus finally reaches them, Mary and Martha both proclaim had He been there that their brother would not have died but Jesus explains to Martha that He is the Resurrection and the Light and that whoever believes in Him will live again. Jesus asks Martha if she truly believes this and she affirms that she indeed does then Jesus makes His way to the tomb and weeps. 


Luke 10:38-42

While Jesus was traveling he enters a village and is welcomed into the home of a woman named Martha. Her sister Mary was so drawn in by the Lord’s teaching that she sat at His feet clinging to His every word. Martha was distracted and busy preparing for Jesus as He was her guest,  becomes frustrated, and asks Jesus if he cared that she was busy serving while her sister did nothing!?  Jesus with his love and care gently points out that she is anxious and worried about many things but there is one thing that is needful. Mary had chosen the good portion which was to be with him and Christ promised that it would not be taken away from her.


John 12:1-11

A little while before the Passover, Jesus came to Bethany where Lazarus who He had raised from the dead lived. Martha was serving & Lazarus reclined at a table with Jesus and those who had gathered with them. Mary took a pound of very expensive oil and anointed Jesus’ feet with it and wiped Jesus’ feet with her hair. Judas one of His disciples objected finding it a waste when they could have sold it and used the money to give to the poor.  Jesus rebuked him knowing that it could be used for His burial, while a large crowd gathered to see Jesus, also Lazarus who was raised from the dead. 

Practical Points by Janice Hall

2) God has a purpose even when His ways don’t make sense to us.

God designed us to desire infinite knowledge so that we would fear Him. When we fear God, it means to remember who He is and remembering who we are with our relationship in Him. We can then, be humble and accept our own inability to always   understand his ways, because we are reminded that God is sovereign and in control of everything in our life. We can remain in a state of joy because we know that God works all things together for our good. God works and ways,glorious though at times we do not understand, we can still delight in his good and perfect gifts for us.

4) Publicly thanking God for answered prayers and blessings can help others believe. 

Praising God is both our delight and our duty. God is worthy of our praise and we have been created to praise Him. Praise invites God’s presence and our spirit is refreshed and renewed. To praise and worship publicly can help to bring a community together, as some people feel that they gain a better understanding of Christianity through attending services. God is glorified by us when we acknowledge that He is glorious through public worship.

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