The Resurrection and the Life


Scripture Lesson Text: John 11: 17-27
Related Scriptures : Daniel 12:1-3; John 11: 1-16, 28-45; 1 Corinthians 5:20-26; Philippians 3: 7-14

In the selected verses, John 11: 17-27, we learned that Lazarus is four days dead and we see the painful grief that Martha is experiencing. The specific purpose is to display the glory of God, in the Son of God, removing all doubt, that Jesus is the Messiah.

Daniel 12: 1-3, speaks of the angel Michael, known as the archangel ( Jude 1:9), a high ranking angel. He has a role, as a spiritual warrior and also protects Israel. These verses speak of the resurrection of the dead and a promise for the righteous.

John 11: 1-16, 28-45, presents one of the most spectacular miracles in Jesus’ earthly ministry. Jesus hears that Lazarus is sick but delays His arrival to the family, and Lazarus had already died by the time Jesus gets the message. Jesus arrived four days after Lazarus has passed away. Heading to the tomb, Jesus weeps (v.35), expressing sorrow for the pain of others, despite knowing that His visit there will end in Lazarus resurrection. In response to His commands, a dead man came back to life and was restored to his family.

In 1 Corinthians 15:20-26, Paul provides teaching about the resurrection of Christians from the dead. He shows that natural death is not the end of life for Christians and because of His resurrection we have an assurance that all those that trust in His name will also be resurrected. Philippians 3: 7-14, relates how Paul is talking about living out the faith through which he was saved by grace. Paul rejects all confidence in the flesh, but has confidence in a loving relationship with Jesus Christ. “ I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.(v.14)”.


Today’s lesson begins with the scene in Bethany, a suburb of Jerusalem, about two miles away. The conversation is between Jesus and Martha, after her brother Lazarus has died. We see Martha pouring out her complaints, as did Mary and Martha had inquired , “ Lord, if You had been here…”(vs.21,32). Martha was displaying different levels of faith; a limited faith(vs.21,22), a foundational faith (vs.23,24), and finally a declared faith(vs.25-27).

Martha did express her faith in God’s promise, regarding eternity. Jesus wanted her to apply that promise to the present situation. We see in verse, 25, the infamous statement, “ I am the resurrection, and the life: he that believeth in me, though he were
dead, yet shall he live:”. Jesus knew it was not how she felt, but what she believed. The miracle would display God’s own glory, so that His followers would grow in their faith.


We find here in our lesson one of the greatest healings of Jesus ministry, raising Lazarus from the dead. Isn’t it just like God being omnipotent, omniscient and omnipresent, that is all powerful, all knowing, and everywhere at all times to use something deemed to be the end of a thing and turn it around and use it to create a beginning. We often think of the death of something to be the end of it, but to God sometimes even in death God is glorified. I believe that is why the Apostle Paul declared in 1 Corinthians 15:31, “I die daily” and because of the persecution he endured for the sake of the kingdom, so that God would be glorified even in his persecution.

Jesus charges all believers that have a desire to follow Him and be true disciples, “If anyone would come after me let him deny himself take up his cross daily and follow Me.” So the question is, are we willing to die to self, self ambition, self gratification and our flesh, so that our lives will be aligned with God’s plan for us and that the power of God working in us and through us will glorify our Father in Heaven.? We can find hope in the fact that Jesus is the resurrection and the life. When we believe in Him we are offered eternal life, life after death, that’s good news to me, I hope for you as well.

In order to even experience Jesus as the resurrection and the life and obtain eternal life after death, none of this is even possible without faith. Hebrews 11:6 says, “But without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him.” We must have the faith in our Lord that when our loved ones pass away our faith gives us hope we’ll see them again. Faith in the life of a believer isn’t optional nor is it something we can pick up one day and lay aside another. Our faith is truly the means by which we live and the means by which we can have hope everyday as we look with anticipation and expectation for the return of The resurrection and the Life, our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

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