The Son Greater than Angels

Overview by Doug Smith

Lesson text: Hebrews 1:1-9

The book of Hebrews describes in detail, how Jesus Christ fulfills the promises and prophecies of the Old Testament. God used many approaches to send his messages to the people in Old Testament times. He spoke to Isaiah in visions, Jacob in a dream, and to Abraham and Moses personally.  The Jewish people familiar with these stories would not have found it hard to believe that God was still revealing His will. It was astonishing for them to think that God had revealed himself by speaking through  His Son , Jesus Christ.

Jesus Christ is eternal; He worked with the Father in creating the world. He is the full revelation of God. Jesus is the complete expression of God in a human form. The power that brought the universe into being and that keeps it operating is the very power that removes our sins. Jesus’ more excellent inheritance is His  name,” Son of God”.

The name given to Him by His Father, is greater than the names and titles of the angels. Jesus is God’s only begotten Son. “ This revealing text should be an inspiration for trust for every believer. What God says about His Son, our Savior, exalts Him to a position far above every being in creation “.

Related Scriptures by Janice Hall

Related Scriptures
Psalm 2: 1-12; Matthew 3:13-17; Hebrews 1: 13-2:9…….

Psalm 2 opens with the enemies of the LORD God in open rebellion against Him and His Anointed One. It describes the ultimate victory of the Lord’s anointed over the rebellious enemies. It reaches beyond King David to the glorious reign of the one who can fulfill every aspect of the eternal kingdom as promised to David. (2 Samuel 7: 13,16). Psalm 2 is often labeled as “ royal” psalm, because it refers to the King above all Kings. The theme of Psalm 2, is emphasized in the final verse; we can defy God and perish, or we can surrender to Him and be blessed.

In Matthew 3: 13-17, we see that Jesus arrives from Galilee to the Jordan, to be baptized by John. John recognizes Jesus as the Messiah and baptizes Him. John resists but Jesus insists that His baptism is meant to fulfill all righteousness. As soon as Jesus comes up from the water, God’s Spirit descends as a dove and lands on Him. A voice from Heaven announces that Jesus is the Son of God. 

Hebrews 1:13 emphasizes the superiority of Jesus Christ over the angels, highlighting His divine authority and sovereignty. We see the fulfillment of God’s redemptive plan and the ultimate victory of Christ. Hebrews 2 opens with a warning that when God delivers a message and it is ignored, there are consequences;  “drifting “ from His truth, also result in problems. Hebrews 2:9, speaks of the reason Jesus was made a “little lower” than other spiritual beings, in the sense of becoming humans, was so that He could obtain the greater victory, eternal life for mankind.

Practical Points by Charlene Brown

Our worship must be directed to the three Persons of the Trinity alone.

Our Lord is so loving, kind, merciful and faithful and because of His grace and sacrifice, we have been adopted into God’s family as sons and daughters. God has called each of us His own, because we are His beloved. In reverence and awe of Jesus, it is only right and fitting that our worship be solely directed to Him and not angels nor man himself. Not only is our worship to be focused on Him, every knee shall bow  and every tongue shall confess Jesus is Lord. When we worship the Lord we affirm our faith, love, trust, hope and dependence solely on Him alone.

Like our Lord, we should love righteousness and hate iniquity.

Loving righteousness and hating iniquity are essential aspects of modeling our lives after the likeness of Jesus. Our lives should align with His character, reflect His example, fulfill God’s will and create space for personal transformation. If we continue with this mindset it can influence others around us positively, and it may even be the means to cause their lives to be transformed and renewed. By embracing these principles, we can experience greater spiritual growth. We then  fulfill our God given purpose with God in the work of establishing His kingdom on earth and reconciling man back to Him.

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