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Be sure to become and SCF Insider by subscribing to our email list. We will send you the meeting access codes for our weekly services directly to your email!
Shekinah Kids Bible Study is happening today at 4pm. If you need a spiritually rich mid-week activity for your kids, here’s the […]
In 1 Samuel 8:1-6, 19,20 we learn that due to Israel and her leader’s stubbornness, they demanded someone else to run their lives, instead of God. How foolish they were! They wanted to be like all the other nations, who did not serve God, nor walked in the righteousness and holiness that their judge and prophet, Samuel, exemplified.
In this week’s lesson, Paul shows us what it means to be ambassadors for Christ and stewards of the gospel.
SCRIPTURE, BY CHARLENE BROWN Lesson text: Acts 9:10-20 Related Scriptures: Isaiah 6:1-8; Acts 26:1-23; 10:1-16 In today’s lesson we find a disciple […]