Water from a Rock


By Charlene Brown

Scripture Lesson Text: Numbers 20: 1-13
Related Scriptures: Exodus 15:22-27; Deuteronomy 1:37-40; 32:48-53;
Numbers 20: 24-29; Psalm 95: 1-11

In this week’s lesson text we are presented with a story in Numbers 20:1-13 of Moses and the children of Israel. They complained to Moses for lack of water and it made him very angry and caused him to disobey God’s instructions to provide water. Moses struck the rock instead of talking to the rock. The scriptures reveal how one man’s anger and pride led to his disciplinary actions by God, yet in spite of Moses’ shortcomings, it did not detour God’s faithfulness to His word and His people.

Exodus 15 tells the story when Moses and the Israelites were once again faced with lack of drinkable water for it was bitter. This time Moses heeded the instructions of God and therefore the people were granted sweet water for their thirst. Deuteronomy 1 speaks of God’s anger toward the children of Israel for their rebellion. The penalty they would pay was huge, some of them wouldn’t be permitted to enter the Promised Land, not even Aaron and Moses.

Numbers 20 gives an account of the death of Aaron and how God commanded Moses to strip Aaron of his priestly garments and place them on his son Eleazar on top of Mt. Hor. God’s word was fulfilled when He noted Aaron would not enter the Promised Land. Psalm 95 begins as a call to worship and obedience, the psalmist makes note of the excellence of God and His worthiness to be praised. It goes on to give details of Moses’ death on Mt. Nebo. God granted Moses the liberty to see the Promised Land which he was forbidden to enter just as his brother Aaron.


By Brittenne Boykin

In this week’s lesson we join Moses and the children of Israel in the wilderness. They complained to Moses about their lack of water. The peoples’ need although real was wrought with lack of faith and trust. They even accused God of bringing them into the wilderness to die. (Vs.4) The accusation in and of itself showed a lack of trust in the God who had brought them out of bondage.

Moses and Aaron turned to God and fell on their faces and once again the glory of the Lord showed up. (Verse 6) God instructed Moses to take the rod and with Aaron gather the people together and speak to the rock, as the people watched and water would come forth. (Verse 8) Moses spoke to the people instead of the rock as God told him to do. This partial obedience and lack of faith would be the reason that God did not allow Moses to bring the people into the Promised Land. (Verse 12) Let it be a reminder to us that partial obedience is disobedience.

Practical Application

By Tarae King

When reading this lesson a few life lessons come to mind. The first is we should never lose faith in God. We see how God continued to show His power to a faithless Israel and the consequences they faced because of it.

Second, it is important to always obey God. We see that Moses and Aaron didn’t follow God’s instruction and it cost them the chance to see the Promised Land.

Lastly, God is faithful to His people. He always keeps His promises. He can be trusted to provide in every circumstance we face.

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